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Grumbling, I squeezed my eyes tighter together as the bright rays of the sun searched their way under my eyelids.

Damn, I should have closed the curtains yesterday.

With another grumble I wanted to lie down from my back on my stomach in order to bury my face deep into the pillows. But as I moved a little, I felt something slipping from my head.

Startled, I opened my eyes, but what I saw surprised me more than the fact that something was lying on my head. My gaze fell on the beautiful man who slept in a sitting position next to me.

Carefully I sat up to look better at Kiyoomi's face. His curly hair fell unevenly across his forehead and I had to control myself not to run my fingers through it. His mouth was slightly open, from which he inhaled and exhaled evenly. He looked so peaceful. But I was wondering why he had fallen asleep here. And why in a sitting position?

Why is he even in my bed? As far as I could remember, we showered together and after having had enough fun there; I had gone to bed while Kiyoomi wanted to clean up again. So why was he sitting next to me? Not that it bothered me, but I still wondered.

Confused, I kept watching him.

God, why is he so beautiful? His lashes are so long. Why do boys always have the prettier lashes?

I continued to bend over to his face to look at his unfairly long lashes. Kiyoomi was too good-looking for this world.

Gently I reached over him to my cell phone on the nightstand, careful not to touch him, in order not to wake him up. A glance at my display told me that we already had 9.30 am.

Oh no! Why hadn't I set an alarm clock? In half an hour I would meet Atsumu for breakfast, as he had complained that I didn't take enough time for him lately and well, he wasn't wrong about that. I spent almost all my free time with the sleeping guy next to me.

Carefully I stood up slowly from my bed, eyes fixed on Kiyoomi to see if he would wake up. But he was still fast asleep.

Quickly I went to the bathroom to complete my morning routine. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I tied my hair into a high ponytail, causing my wavy tips to fall over my shoulders, making my hair look much shorter than it actually is.

I quietly walked from the bathroom to my closet to put on the next best thing I could get my hands on. I really didn't have the time to think about what to wear now. I took out the soft fabric. A light blue dress made of light fabric with a gathered waist, so it should be.

A quick look over my shoulder told me that Kiyoomi was still asleep, so I quickly pulled my wide sleeping shirt over my head to put on the clean dress. In no time I put on my sandals and gathered my important things together to put them into my small bag. One last look in the mirror to see if everything was in place and I was ready to go. I wanted to leave the room quickly to avoid Atsumu knocking on my door and possibly seeing Kiyoomi. That would be a little difficult to explain.

My hand was already on the door handle when I took a last look at Kiyoomi. He was still sitting there with his eyes closed. Smiling, I watched him for a moment.

Hmm. He will surely get a neck ache if he continues to sleep like that. Will he wake up if I try to put him down? Besides, he sleeps without a blanket.

After a short thought I ran towards him again. When I reached him I thought about pushing him on his side to put him lying on the bed. But as soon as I laid my hand on his shoulder, I fell over and landed with my upper body on his lap.

Shocked, I looked up into his now open eyes, which looked at me widely torn open. But after blinking a few times, the usual bored expression spread over his face again.

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