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My fingers clawed into the sheets while Kiyoomi's grip around my wrists tightened.

The movements of his hip behind me made me whimper in pleasure.

Shortly after our bath he had pulled me to the bed where his pants were, from which he had pulled some condoms out of his pocket.

We were in bed, I on my knees and Kiyoomi behind me. This position caused even more pleasure in my womanhood than it did in the bathtub. Which I never thought was possible.

Kiyoomi knew what he was doing and he did it incredibly well.

"Fuck- you feel so good," he whispered into my ear from behind, giving me pleasant goose bumps.

His movements became faster and harder, which made the clapping of our bodies and the wet sound that came from his cock going out and into my dripping middle more audible.

"Ahh~ Kiyoomi~", I came to my climax with a sigh. His pace quickened, so I knew he was getting close too.

"Fuck." Panting, he took his hands off my wrists to position them on my hips to push into me even harder.

My vagina was still pulsing around his penis. His hard thrusts and the circular movements of his hips were already building up my second orgasm, which he seemed to notice as one of his fingers started stroking over my clit.

He accelerated his speed again. I could clearly feel his warm cock slipping in and out and really, I couldn't tell what in the world could feel better than what Kiyoomi was doing to me. My fingers clawed into the sheets as I came around his penis again. Kiyoomi seemed to have been waiting for it, since shortly after I felt his cock twitching in me a few times.

All of a sudden it felt even warmer inside me, probably because of his sperm I was feeling inside me for the first time. Well, not quite, since the condom was between us - thank God! Despite this, I could clearly feel the heat of his semen pouring out.

„Finally" he sighed softly as he slowly pulled himself out of me, before he exhaled loudly in exhaustion and leaned against my back a little. His hot breathing close to my neck. Although it was certainly not his intention, it aroused me greatly.

Annoyed at the fact that the boy on top of me had such a strong grip on me that he could stimulate me with a mere breath on my neck, I pressed my red head into the pillow in front of me.

An exhausted sigh escaped him again as he rolled himself off me onto the side next to me. I slowly turned my head from the pillow in his direction to watch him secretly.

His left arm was laid across his forehead. Still, I could see his face as I was lying a little lower than he was. Kiyoomi's eyes were still closed and his lips opened a crack. His whole face and also the posture of his body looked unusually relaxed for him.

Thoughtfully I leaned on my forearms to get a better view of his face. "You look satisfied."

One of his eyes opened a crack. "To be honest, it was the first time I didn't have to hold myself back."

For a moment I was surprised by his statement, but it was only logical.  We had slept together for the first time yesterday - though not just once. It was clear that he had held back.

Smiling, I put my head in my hand. "I never would have taken you for the courteous type."

His arm slipped from his forehead over his head, making his face completely visible. "I'm not that courteous."

"Yes, you are," I countered with a smile.

A slight smile was visible on his lips as well, which he apparently tried to hold back as he pulled the condom off and threw it in the trash can next to the bed.

I was about to annoy him further when he suddenly ran his finger over my naked silhouette. On the path of his touches I immediately got goose bumps.

He leaned over a little towards me. "Would you like another round?"

In fact I do. But we had to get up early tomorrow morning and it was already 1am, so I had to decline the offer with a heavy heart. "We have to get up early tomorrow for the practice game briefing."

A smile played around his lips as he mockingly raised one eyebrow. "What, you need your beauty sleep?"

On the contrary, the boys need more sleep than I do. At least 8 hours a day so they could exercise properly. Kiyoomi, on the other hand, would only get six hours of sleep by tomorrow. Which apparently was stressing me out more than him.

But my thoughts were not the reason why I lost my tongue for a moment. It was his smile, which he had shown me more often tonight than in the whole 6 months I already knew him.

Inevitably, a smile adorned my lips, which he could see despite my hand supporting my chin and thus covering my mouth, as it reached up to my eyes.

"You should do that more often."

"That's enough of an answer," he said as he began to stroke my bare bottom.

"Stop! That's not what I meant at all," I interrupted his action with a laugh. "We really should go to bed, otherwise you won't be in top form tomorrow and as your manager I can't allow that."

Confused, he leaned back a bit to create some distance between us. "Then what did you mean by that?"

"Your smile," I answered truthfully. "You look good when you-" I stopped momentarily as I saw Kiyoomi's shocked expression. His hand moved away from my body as if he had been burned.

What? Did I say something wrong?

Equally shocked by his reaction, I carefully asked him the question that was buzzing in my head. "Are you all right? Umm, did I say something wrong?"

"No, everything's fine," he replied a little too quickly. Just as quickly he suddenly stood on his feet to put his clothes back on. " You' re right, we should go to bed."

Confused, I sat up and watching him hastily put his shirt over his head. "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"I will, in my room. I'll see you in the morning."

What? Kiyoomi changed back into the clothes he was wearing before even though he is sweaty, even though I have a shower in my room?

But he didn't leave me time to ask him another question when he hurried out of my room without saying another word.

Perplexed, I remained sitting, still looking where Kiyoomi had stood a few seconds ago.

What the- What was that reaction for?


Short chapter but it's the second upload today sooo forgive me.

Kinda didn't want to write futher into the chapter with 'normal' content when it's a lemon chapter. Didn't thought I would keep writing about this scene but I saw this wrist-holding picture and weellll my fingers just started to tip all by themselves!

Hope you enjoyed!

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