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"My arm hurts" I complained, while rubbing gently over the aching spot, being careful not to cause me any more pain.

"Don't whine so much. That's simply because you don't have an ounce of muscle in your arms," the black-haired boy next to me said dryly.

"Sakusa, it won't kill you to at least fake a little empathy", I muttered under my breath, looking at the other side with a small pout while we were still walking towards the hotel. When he didn't response, I glanced at him from the side. "Doesn't your arm hurt?" I asked meekly.


I released my arm with a sigh while I tried not to roll my eyes at the lack of sympathy this boy is showing.

I had known Sakusa Kiyoomi for six months now, and yet I had never seen any emotion from him except of annoyance and nonchalance. Of course, there were exceptions. For example, when we were at a game, he looked almost anxious and disgusted by the crowds. The only exception where I could see a smile on his lips was when he was on court. Well, to be fair this is the only time, besides eating, that one can see him without his mask, which he always wears because of his fear of germs.

For half a year now, I have been the manager of MSBY. To finish my management degree, I had to work as a manager for two semesters. Since I specialized in management of sports clubs, I accepted the job offer of MSBY Black Jackals.

This was because I quickly found my place in the group. Especially with Hinata and Atsumu I got along right away. It was Hinata who finally convinced me to become their manager, since I almost joined a basketball team where I would have gotten a much higher salary. But interpersonal understanding was more important to me than money. Ever since then I have been helping out the volleyball team.

Hinata was probably the exact opposite of Kiyoomi next to me. It wasn't that we didn't get along, but I just couldn't figure out the boy in the mask. He never revealed his feelings or thoughts, which made it quite difficult for me to understand him. Unless it was about Atsumu of course. Strangely enough, he didn't shy away from explaining his dislike to the team's setter. Wherever and whenever he could.

In the beginning, it was hard for me to talk to him as he was always so dismissive. But in the meantime, I learned that it didn't depend on me, but that he seems to be completely indifferent to everyone. Except Atsumu. Amused, I had to think back to their quarrels at the dining table.

I looked at the tall boy next to me with a sly grin. "Say, you didn't possibly faked that cold in order to miss sitting in a plane with Tsumu for 14 hours?"

Kiyoomi flinched before he gave me an annoyed glimpse. "Where did you get that idea from?"

My grin just widened. "Omi-kun~, you're a bad liar." I deliberately used Atsumu's nickname for the hygiene freak.

"Don't call me that." He snapped his nose annoyingly. "Don't tell the coach, okay?"

I had actually managed to organize a training camp abroad. Argentina, to be exact. But in order to enter the country, we needed certain inoculations. The boys and the coach had already had their shots last week and flew ahead afterwards. Since I had an exam last week, I had to postpone the inoculations until today and take the flight tomorrow.

I was surprised at the coach's information about Kiyoomi also being vaccinated later because of a cold and therefore had to travel along with me.

"God, you are terrible Sakusa. Atsumu isn't that bad," I said with a laugh.

"He touched me with his greasy hands the other day. On purpose." His face darkened while he probably thought back to this traumatic memory.

"You simply mustn't show him that it bothers you that much."

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