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I was on the verge of throwing up.

For hours during the car ride I had mentally prepared myself to meet Arisa tomorrow, only to find myself standing in her driveway fucking today.

In an effort to mask his nervousness, Bokuto slapped my back encouragingly but failed miserably. "Y-you got this Omi!"

"I am so close to getting violent," I warned.

"What-why? What did I do?"

He had the fucking guts to ask me what he did.

I merely gave him a sharp look, which made him wince and fall silent.

Without paying him any further attention, I took one last look at my reflection in the car window to tug my hair into place. I couldn't believe I was doing what I had been beating Atsumu up for all these years, but who could blame me? I thought I was going to meet Arisa in a suit, with my hair styled and all that shit. Instead, I'd be facing her in my 7-hour car ride look.

"You look beautiful man."

"For the love of god Bokuto, shut the fuck up."

The last time I had felt this nervous and unprepared was in middle school when I was sick for a week and as soon as I got back to school, my cousin Motoya reported to me that our summer festival was postponed to that exact day, and of course we had a booth I had to serve at. Only now this was ten times worse. This time I couldn't hide on the roof of the school until it was all over.

While the others were already heading for the front door, I wiped my wet hands on my pants. Because recently I found out that they apparently, sweat when I'm too nervous. Great. Disgusting. Awesome.

I could kill Bokuto for apparently forgetting to let me know that Arisa invited us to dinner the minute she found out what a hassle we had to go through for the car ride.

Of course, she invites us to dinner. I should have figured it out myself because that's the kind of person she was. But I had been far too busy preparing to see her TOMORROW to consider that.

I tried to sort out my thousand thoughts on the short walk from the car to the front door, but that seemed an impossibility.

Surely, I could have asked Bokuto to drop me off at home, but it was not my plan to avoid Arisa. I wanted to see her, but goddammit not like this.

I hardly noticed that I stopped behind the guys to stand and exhaled deeply. My Fight and Flight kicked in as Inunakis rang the doorbell.

"Man, I'm starving!" whined Hinata as we waited for the door to open.

Atsumu crossed his fingers behind his neck, beaming. "I can't wait to see the cutie."

The cutie.

As soon as Arisa and I went back to our facility after our date, Atsumu and she had a clarifying discussion in which he told her about his past crush to clear the air between their friendship. Even as an outsider, I noticed that it was a little awkward and weird between them at first, but after the whole "Why didn't you tell me about you and Omi-Omi?" and "Why didn't you tell me about your crush on me?", they picked up where they left off. Besides Bokuto, who visits Arisa regularly since he lives nearby, and Meian, who visits Sonoko a lot, Atsumu was the one who maintained the strongest contact with her. It still felt strange that he keeps calling her things like cutie or princess after all this, but honestly, I had too many other problems to worry about that, too.

Opening the front door brought me back to the here and now. My heart was beating so fast that I could feel it pulsing throughout my body.

Get a grip. Get a grip. Get a fucking grip.

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