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"Aww no!" Moaning I pressed my face deeper into the pillows.


Grumbling in my cushions, I reached for my phone on the bedside table. Blinking I looked at my too bright display to turn off the alarm clock. 5:30am the time was beaming towards me.

What the hell?

I blinked a few more times in order to see the time on the display more clearly. It still showed 5:30am. I also saw that I got two messages from Kiyoomi.

Wait a second! Startled, I sat up which caused the blanket to slip down over my naked body. I fell asleep yesterday, which means I couldn't set an alarm clock at all. Had Kiyoomi set the alarm clock? At least that would explain the excessively early time.

Rubbing my eyes, I lay back down on my pillows. Only now did I feel the sore muscles in my legs and arms. I yawningly pressed the button to get to Kiyoomi's messages.

[Sakusa Kiyoomi 1:02]: You fell asleep while I was taking a shower. I set your alarm clock to 5:30 so you can still shower.

[Sakusa Kiyoomi 1:10]: Good night Arisa.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. As if it would take me an hour and a half to shower. Well, he just meant well and that was kind of sweet of him.

Setting the alarm clock to 6:15 a.m., I went back to sleep.


Still feeling tired I hurried out of my room shortly before seven, yawning. Drunk asleep I staggered towards the elevator. The warm shower had not helped me to become more awake. Probably I would have had to take a cold shower, but my muscles were so sore that I thought the warm water would be more comfortable. Tonight I would definitely take a hot bath.

I pressed the elevator button when I heard a door open to my left.

"Hey", I greeted, without turning around, already knowing who it was.


"Thanks for the alarm clock. I would have overslept otherwise," I smiled wearily at Kiyoomi as he stopped next to me.

"No worries. How did you sleep?" he asked with a quick sideways glance, which I didn't miss.

"Like a log," I sighed. " What about you?"

"Fine. Just a bit too little."

The doors of the elevator opened. I entered, closely followed by Kiyoomi.

"Tell me, how did you get into my room?", I asked with a sore expression.

"Still bothering you, huh?"

Overslept, I looked up to look at his expressionless face. "Of course. After all, you came in just like that."

His hand ran over his black curly hair while he turned his gaze away from me to look at the elevator display. Kiyoomi looked as if he didn't want to talk about it and almost relieved when the elevator doors opened again.


With outstretched arms and a broad grin, Bokuto happily walked into the elevator to us. "If it isn't my favorite team members!"

He squeezed himself between Kiyoomi and me, smiling and putting one arm around both of us.

"You say that to everyone on the team," I teased him from the side.

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now