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⚠️TW for the highly sensitive: pls go on my profil first. It's not that bad I just want to warn you. I won't write it here since it'd be a tiny spoiler.

Sakusa P.o.V.

"Kiyoomi, how do you even know this place?"

I had guessed she'd ask this question, but I still hoped she would have done it a little later.

"The only person who knows about this place is-"

"Oikawa i know", I interrupted her, trying not to roll my eyes at the thought of how much that asshole would grin ear to ear if he knew she was thinking about him right now. . "Well, you see..."


"Miya, I need your help."

No sooner did the setter realize who was talking to him and what I asked for, than he sat up, wide-eyed.

"Ya need ma help?" His astonishment was more than understandable. The times I had asked Miya for help could be counted on one hand. He didn't even try to hide his excitement at this.

But just as quickly as it came, it disappeared again. He looked at me skeptically with narrow eyes. "This isn't about cleanin' the communal showers again, is it? Omi-Omi just because ya don't like the work of our cleaning staff doesn't mean I'm going to help ya re-do it every time!" You bet he would help me re-do it every time, but that's not what this was supposed to be about. "We don't even take showers the-"

"That's not why I'm here," I interrupted him, since my time was running out. Six weeks. Only six weeks to change her mind. To convince her to stay here. To stay with...me.

"Oh- Okay?" Visibly confused at the fact that I actually needed him for something else, he leaned back in before his enthusiastic, if exhausting, streak took over again. "Well ma friend," he patted the seat next to him, which I declined to take. "How may I help ya?"

I considered on where best to start, but I honestly couldn't think of a good way to introduce my issue to him.

"Hey what's with the scowl?" Miya smiled, yet there was clearly concern in his voice. "I mean ya always look like someone pissed ya off, but today ya seem especially beat up. Did something happen?"

"Before I ask what I'm here for, there's something I need to know," I ignored his question. He would find out the answer to that soon enough.

"Uhh sure? What is it?" His eyes no longer sparkled with wit. As if he had finally understood the seriousness of the situation, he gazed at me in a caring manner. Is this how he'd been looking at Arisa for the past few months?

I paused for a moment, clearing my throat before asking the question that could derail my whole plan.

"Do you like her? Arisa, I mean? And spare me the of course-I-like-her- she's-my-best-friend bullshit. I mean like, romantically, and all that."

Befuddled, the setter blinked a few times before the area around his nose as well as the back of his neck quickly turned red.

"HUH?!" His hands in a defensive stance, he looked away from me. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM ALL OF A SUDDEN?!"

Oblivious to his childish reaction, I rolled my eyes. "Stop acting like a virgin schoolgirl. Answer my question."

I definitely need Miya's help, as I didn't know anyone who knew Arisa as well as he did. However, ... I couldn't possibly ask him to do something like that if he actually had hard feelings for her.

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