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It was already Saturday. Our first week in Argentina was almost over, which was an incredible pity. On the one hand because the weather and the environment here are so beautiful, on the other hand because I enjoyed the atmosphere. Whether it was because Kiyoomi made each of my nights a little bit more beautiful, or because I met Tōru again, whom I had missed incredibly, or simply because we all had an incredibly nice time together so far - even though Atsumu almost broke my nose a few days ago. As a matter of fact, we enjoyed ourselves.

Today it would get even better because we were going to party and every party Atsumu and Bokuto joined in turned out to be incredibly funny. Both had been exceptionally great today, the rest of the guys had let themselves be carried away by their enthusiasm. They had won an unbelievable 85% percent of all games!

Radiant with their success, I noted down today's result as the boys hastily cleaned their area of the hall.

"Ariiii! Hurry and help us" I heard Atsumu shouting, who just couldn't go fast enough. There was so much joy in his voice that I couldn't help but smile against my notebook.

"Why are these clowns in such a hurry today?" Tōru stood next to me breathing heavily. They played the last game against his team and won.

"HEY I HEARD THAT!" Even more energetic than before, Atsumu wiped the floor while trying to dagger Tōru with his gaze.

"Good" he said with a grin.

With a thoughtful gaze I briefly peered back and forth between the two of them, something told me that they had learned to get along with each other during the time I wasn't around. To my surprise, both of them were even practicing serves together in the morning.

With a shrug I gathered my things together. I don't know what the heck happend between them, but It should be fine with me. I like it when everybody gets along.

"Oh, they are just happy. We're going to party today," I answered Tōru with a smile, as I myself was looking forward to the evening.

"Oh really? Where to?"

I shrugged my shoulders in apology "I don't know. Tsumu took care of everything."

"ARISA! Get yer lame-ass butt over here now! We're done, let's go~!"

Following Atsumu's call, I saw that the boys were already at the door, waiting for me.

"You heard him." Laughing, I shouldered my bag. "I have to go. See you on Monday; Bye Tōru."

Waving, I ran in quick steps to the boys while I heard Tōru murmuring a goodbye.


Sakusa P.O.V.

Never have I been to one of these ridiculous parties and this one would be no exception. That's what I thought and surprised everyone including myself when I said I would come along.

So why am I doing this to myself? Why the hell am I sitting on the sticky stool of a bar, in a crowded, stuffy club, when I'd rather be anywhere but here?

Quite simply, the reason for my incredibly stupid, irrational decision was sitting right next to me.

With an annoyed side- glance I observed the cause of my misery. Smiling, she rocked to the music, her eyes fixed on her three idiotic friends in the crowd, who were performing that ridiculous dance they had been practicing the last few days at the rat's.

Arisa always looked good, but today she had overdone it. I tried to tell myself that I didn't like what she had done to her face, and on the one hand, it was true. I liked her natural look better. But goddamn it, I had no idea what she had done, but her eyes had more make-up than usual, which made the green of her eyes stand out even more; her lips looked much more inviting than usual and in general she didn't look as beautiful as usual, but sexy. Her hair did not lie in the typical waves over her back but was a little curlier. To make matters worse, she wore this short olive-green dress. The puffs on her arms were probably supposed to make the dress look cute, but fuck, she just looked smoking hot. Way too fucking hot. And that's what I was thinking, I who was allowed to feel this woman every night; what must these cock-controlled guys here think?!

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