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"That goddamn bastard!"

Angrily, my fingers clawed into the beautiful marble of the sink below me, while at the same time, I angrily and shamefully looked into the mirror.

Last night I had been much too tired to notice them, but today it was impossible not to notice the very distinct purple red spots on my neck.

Damn you Kiyoomi! How on earth am I going to cover those up?

It was up to 30 degrees during the day, I couldn't possibly put anything on that would cover my neck. Even if I could, I didn't have such a garment with me at all, since I couldn't have expected such an incident before!

As I did not use any other cosmetic product except mascara, I had nothing to cover the stains.

Damn it! Damn it, Kiyoomi!

I couldn't possibly be seen like that in front of the others. Bokuto and Hinata might believe me that I fell off, but the others on the team weren't as gullible as those two. 

A glance at my phone display informed me that it was 6:10am. Still less than an hour to go before we were supposed to meet for breakfast together and then discuss the training plan.


I was lucky that I got up earlier than I wanted to because of the heat. Thank God! Otherwise I might have noticed the stains too late!

"That will be 920 pesos or 35€," the cashier who had advised me before told me in broken English. I had tried to speak Spanish with her before because I knew the basics, but she started talking so fast that I switched to English.

920 Pesos?? That's like 4380 yen!

Sighing I handed her the money which we had already exchanged in Japan.

A bit sadly I accepted the small bottle, which wasn't even the size of my little finger. 3000 Peso for this little thing?

I gladly spent my money on things I wanted to have. But in this case it was something completely different! I don't even use concealer and now I had to buy an overpriced one. Despite the fact that I don't have much to do with makeup, I knew that the price was ridiculously overpriced, as this was a simple drugstore brand.

Well, after all, I had expected it no other way.

After thinking for a long time about going into the city, I called down at the recession to ask if they had makeup for sale at the hotel - what they actually offered. In fact, they sell almost everything you need for your daily life here - except food. However, much too expensive of course, as you know it from hotels.

The money had been worth it after all to avoid being embarrassed. I could have gone to the city, where the same product would have been available for a third of the price, but I didn't know much about the city and didn't want to risk being late. Or even worse - too late and without concealer.

6:40. Tensely I waited for the elevator, hoping that none of the boys would come earlier. Since the dining area was on the same floor as the store. Though in the opposite direction, both areas had to be brought to the lobby where I was standing at the moment.

Please dear God, just let me come to my room without any encounters!

My prayers were answered.

Breathing heavily, I had arrived in my room. My heart was still beating up to my neck, afraid someone would see me like this.

As I had no time to lose, I ran into the bathroom and did what the sales assistant had shown me. After all, one of the hickeys had already been covered for me in the shop to find out my skin colour.

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now