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A/N: I know it's been forever! The following is the first part of an ass-long chapter.  Part 2 will come out tomorrow at 11pm european time. This is probably the most important chapter, which is why it took me so long. I still have to read over the second part until tomorrow. Thanks for being patient! 

"You look awful."

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Inunaki, sitting down to my left.

"You're not my type either," I returned dryly.

"Sure. Worth checking out what your type is," he returned unimpressed by my dry retort. "But let's face it. You not sleeping well lately or something like that?"

My gaze remained fixed straight ahead on the still empty seat at the head of the table. "Something like that."

"Are you afraid of the chat?" asked Hinata, who was sitting to my right. "Trust me, it's not that bad! And it won't take long either!"

"Don't you think it's a little contradictory to be reassured by someone who had to run to the bathroom every half hour until his call? And this despite the fact that we have these talks every quarter?" Before Hinata could counter something indignant to Inunaki's statement, he continued speaking. "Also-" I felt his gaze on me. "I think the conversation with Sakusa might well last a little longer."

Hinata beside me drew in a sharp breath, shocked at Inunaki's honesty. "Wan-san!"

Each quarter we had a talk with our coach, reviewing the past three months and seeing if we had met our goals for the quarter and what our new goals were. The order of the calls were not based on last names, first names, or jersey number, but rather on how long the coach chose to take for a one-on-one meeting. Since Arisa was still in her education, he had conversations with her as well. She had always been the last one until now, because the coach could thus give her all the details again with the other players, while he also talked about her further goals. The fact that the coach had asked me to be the last to come to his office, even after Arisa, had to mean something.

Of course, no one but Meian had asked me, but everyone noticed that I had been slacking in my performance for the past two months. Two months since which I was unfocused. I could hardly think about anything else but the girl who started to show up at meetings and practices punctually on the minute. Not a single minute before, probably to avoid me as much as possible. Having to endure my presence as little as necessary.

'Having to run into that disgusting bastard day in day out would be the last thing I wish for her.'

I couldn't blame her, and yet the thought of Arisa arriving on time to stay in a room with me no longer than necessary, pained me.

However, Inunaki's statement left me cold. I didn't care if I played badly or what the coach had to say to me. I was ready for his lecture. At last week's game he didn't even let me play and the strangest thing was that it didn't bother me one bit. I didn't care about sitting on the bench. My thoughts revolved around only one topic, and that was the green-eyed girl who no longer gave me a glance.

Hinata's next words, as well as the side conversations of my other team members, fell silent when the door to the office was closed.

Perhaps they never fell silent, but I was no longer aware of the background noise. My whole perception was directed at the petite girl, who walked into the room behind the coach with a stack of papers in her arms.

My eyes sought hers, however she continued to look straight ahead. One side of her open hair was swept back behind her ear, giving me a better view of her beautiful face.

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