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"15, 16, 17," I murmured to myself until I reached our row. "Row 18, seats E and F. We sit here," I said aloud and stopped in front of it. Kiyoomi close behind me hummed in agreement.

He looked tired and annoyed. Well, neither of us got much sleep last night.

Seats E and F consisted of one seat in the middle and one seat by the window. I didn't have to think long about who would sit where, because on seat D there was already a young blond man sitting, who was observing us closely.

"Sakusa, sit at the window," I said and slid to the side so he could get through first. He would never voluntarily sit next to a stranger.

I was surprised that he hadn't made a scene at the airport, even though it was very crowded today. Apparently he was too tired to be properly disgusted. Nevertheless, I could see the spark of disgust in the dark eyes, which were surrounded by equally dark circles under his eyes.

Without answering me he rushed to his seat, being careful not to touch the young man in the first chair.

I gave the man an apologetic smile, as he had followed Kiyoomi's way of walking past him with a strange look before I took my place in the middle as well.

As soon as we sat down, I watched intently as Kiyoomi took his disinfectant out of his bag to clean his hands. Then he took out a sleeping mask, pulled it over his eyes and leaned his head back.

His whole face was now covered. The lower half of his face with the mask and the upper half through the blindfold. He looked ridiculous.

Suppressing a laugh I pulled out my phone to take a picture. The boys would surely take this as a new profile picture for our group chat. But before I could press the shutter button, Kiyoomi grabbed my arm.

"Don't you dare." With his left thumb he lifted the blindfold a little bit to glare at me with one eye.

Damn, he looks scary when he's angry!

"Instead of taking unnecessary pictures you should get some sleep, you look terrible," he said before he let go of my hand and put the blindfold back over his face.

"What a charmer," I muttered offended to myself as I stowed the phone away.

He was not wrong, but he did not have to tell me that. I mean I have eyes and saw myself in the mirror this morning.

As I said, we didn't get much sleep. Because last night we had repeated things several times.

At the thought of it, a faint blush creeped it's way to my face again. Good thing Kiyoomi couldn't see me.

We hadn't talked about it any more because when he wanted to shower again after the fourth round, I fell asleep. My alarm clock had woken me up in the morning and I had only seen Kiyoomi again at the foyer where a taxi had already been waiting for us. During the drive to the airport and during the check-in I had to talk to the coach about the upcoming practice games, so even then there was no time to talk.

It wasn't that I really wanted to talk about it, but we should agree on not telling anyone. I didn't want the rest of the team to know about this.

"I think you look good".

Surprised, I looked at the blond young man next to me, who had just paid me the compliment.

"Um... thank you," I said sheepishly. I was used to getting compliments from boys I knew. The guys on the team showered me with it, it was sweet, they probably just wanted to make me happy. But I had never received compliments like that from strangers before.

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