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Trigger warning - Self harm.

Draco's POV

        I was irritated for a second when I saw Malory and Aary with the twins, but only because I know they'd get them into trouble. I got over it quickly.

        Aary disappeared with the Weasley's once again but Malory stayed, which made me feel good. I really do enjoy helping people with classes, especially people I'm close with. This stuff just comes to me easily and I know for the most part it does with Mal too. If I can help get her back to that then I will.

                   "So I was just missing the powdered moonstone?" She asks me.

         I nod. "I'm not sure how you missed that, it's like the first step."

        Malory sighs and continues taking notes in her notebook. Even though she's silent, I know exactly what she's saying to herself in her head.

"How did you miss that? Come on Mal, get it together. You're better than this."

      She's always been extremely hard on herself, which is odd considering she's never had parents pushing her to do better. That's the only reason I ever try, if I don't my parents will kill me. Malory on the other hand, it doesn't matter.

       "Make sure to write down the amount for each ingredient," I tell her. "If you put too much it'll put the drinker into a deep sleep."

                     She scoffs. "That sounds nice right about now."

        I laugh along even though I can't tell if she's being serious or not. The room goes quiet once again and I manage to get caught up in watching her take notes. Her handwriting is better than mine but because she's left handed, the ink smears all over the pages.

                    "Alright, notes are done."

     Malory sets her quill down and slides her notebook over to me.

          "What am I supposed to do with this?" I ask, confused.

          "Can you just check to make sure it's all right? Not just the Draught of Peace, but all of them from this past lesson?"

       I sigh playfully, trying to mess with her more, then start going over her notes.

         Strengthening Solution: Salamander blood and Griffin Claw.


      Hair-Rising Potion: Rat tails, Porcupine quills, and Billywig stings.


       "It all looks good to me." I tell her while pushing the notebook back.

        I see her smile slightly, as if a small bit of weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

                 "I guess we're done then." She says.

        I nod in agreement, then start cleaning up the tea table and putting things back in order. I see Malory starting to get up to leave, but I stop her.

                   "Did Blaise tell you we're putting on another party Saturday?"

         She shakes her head but I can tell the idea of a party makes her excited. "Are you guys playing again?"

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