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Song of the Chapter: Repeat Until Death by Novo Amor

Malory's POV

                      "W-What have you done?"

      Slowly, I feel my father's grasp on me weaken. He looks absolutely horrified but I know it's not because of me. He's too focused on the fact that he's dying to realize that his only daughter is about to do the same.

      I try to keep myself upright as soon as he lets go of me but there's no use. My body begins falling and instantly I feel gravity attacking my insides.


     And just when I think I'm about to hit the concrete, someone catches me.



     I try to speak to him, I want him to know that I didn't want this to happen.

            I wanted a long life with you, Drac. I really, really did.

      His hand caresses my face gently, moving my hair out of the way. The frustration in me mixed with the pain makes me burst into tears.

           "Hey, "It's alright, baby. Don't look at it, okay? Focus on me."

        I look into his eyes in hopes of finding some sort of ease but all I feel is heartbreak. Panic rises in me, making it even harder to breathe.

      In my peripheral vision, I notice Blaise and Aary rushing over. I try to communicate with them as well but no words come out.

                "The Dark Lord is dead!"

     For some reason that sentence calms my nerves. It worked, Voldemort is gone. You did this for a reason, Mal. You saved them.

        I feel my eyelids getting heavier and although I want to explain everything to the ones I love, sleeping feels right.

             "Please don't close your eyes, just look at me."

            "I-I can't. Drac, it hurts." I struggle to get the words out.

    He continues talking to me but everything starts to get blurry. The only thing I can make out is,

                     "Focus on the nightlights."

         And although it seems silly, I do exactly that. At first, darkness was overtaking me. But as soon as I look up into the night sky, the stars bring me peace.

       My vision is fading but the large star in the center of the sky keeps my attention for quite some time. The longer I look at it, the bigger it gets.

            "I see your favorite star." I whisper to Draco.

      Soon, the light completely takes over and I'm surrounded by white. I wait for the arms holding me to disappear but instead they only transform. The sound of Draco shouting my name grows softer and into a new voice.

          A familiar one.


      Just like I'm waking up from a deep sleep, my eyes open slowly. The coolness that covers my body quickly changes to warmth when I see the face staring down at me.


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