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Draco's POV


       She doesn't respond and when I watch her movement, it's still. The digging stopped abruptly so I know something caught her attention but I can't see shit through darkness.

                     "You're starting to freak me out..." Aary says softly.

     I glance over at her and see Blaise's arm wrapped around her waist, trying to calm her nerves.

                   "Do you need me to come down there?" I ask Mal.

        After a few more moments of silence, she finally responds.

                "It's not down here," She mutters. "I don't think Snape was right about this place."

       The sudden change in opinion leaves all of us confused but we don't question it, especially when we notice the tears welling up in Malory's eyes.

                "Hey," I say as she climbs out of the hole in the ground. "Talk to me, Mal. I think something's up-"

              "Everything's fine," She interrupts. "I just really thought we had another horcrux for a second."

            I give her a sympathetic look while rubbing her back. "We'll find them, I promise."

         A small chuckle falls from her lips but she doesn't say anything. As we start walking back to the end of the street I continue studying the words written in Snape's notebook.

                        "So where to now?" Blaise asks.

            "We should probably take some time to figure that out." I reply.

       Mal nods, then holds her hand out for us to grab. Once we do, we're immediately transported back to Spinner's End. Malory doesn't hesitate to get back into the house, I try to keep up with her but it's nearly impossible.

                    "Did she say anything to you?" Aary asks me quietly.

        I shake my head. "I can't tell if she's just anxious to find the horcruxes or there's something else on her mind."

                   Aary nods, agreeing. "Really hoping this shit ends soon."

       I hope so too, but I doubt it. Even if it does, it probably won't end the way we want. Whether we win or lose, lives are going to be lost and everything's going to be different. When I said I hated my life and wanted a new one, this isn't what I meant. A dad that loves me and a purpose in life would've been okay.

Malory's POV

               I'm a horcrux.

         I've been trying to convince myself that there's no way, but it all makes sense. The visions in my head, the pain in my gut the moment Draco stabbed Nagini. The bones of my mother at the place I once called home; he sacrificed her.

         You're probably thinking, why would he make his own daughter a horcrux? Why would he put a piece of his soul in you?

        It's quite simple, actually. If he dies, I die with him. And as sick and twisted as that is, he would never let me live in a world without him. Not because the world's too cruel for a young girl to go through without a father but because if he can't have happiness, no one can.

          "Mal?" Aary shouts from the sitting room. "We're making something to eat, do you want anything?"

        I shake my head but then remember she can't see me. "I'm alright, thanks!"

       Once I know the conversation has come to an end, I look back down at the Potions book in my hands. At first, when Snape gave it to me I didn't think anything of it; he just wanted me to do good in my classes. But then I started paying attention to the little details, the small writing in the corners.

         The Philosopher's Stone, a substance capable of turning metals into gold. Some believe this is useful for achieving immortality.

       Sounds familiar. There's only one page talking about this stone but the notes Snape has written down make it seem important. Especially because the last paragraph at the bottom of the page is highlighted.

        There is of course a strong link between symbols for the Philosopher's Stone and that of The Deathly Hallows.

       But when I turn the page, there's nothing else said about it. No more notes, no explanation. The only thing is a symbol sketched out in the bottom left corner, a triangle with a circle directly in the center.

                      "The Deathly Hallows." I whisper under my breath.

               "Haven't you read everything in that book by now?"

        I nearly jump out of my chair when I hear Aary's voice behind me. She giggles while watching me struggle to close the book.

           "I have," I respond. "Just wanted to check for clues and what not."

        She nods her head while leaning up against the door frame. "Any luck?"

         I hesitate to answer. "Have you ever read anything about The Deathly Hallows?"

            She gives me a sarcastic expression. "When have you ever seen me read?"

                       I chuckle under my breath. "Right, sorry."

          I notice her attention being drawn back to the others in the sitting area, and signal for her to rejoin them. She gives me one last smile, then vanishes.

         Looking back down at the book for a third time, I scan the notes Snape left on the side of the page.

                          The Tales of Beedle the Bard?

        I remember this book, it's in the library at Hogwarts. I don't think I ever actually read it though, it didn't seem too interesting.

        "I know you have a copy of this in here somewhere." I say while looking up to Snape.

         Even though he's not actually with me, I can tell he's giving me a small smile. I set the Potions book down and start scanning through the dozens of books on the shelves. My index finger comes to a stop when it lands on the exact book I'm looking for.

         And as soon as I pick it up, I spot a single page bent at the corner. When I flip it open, The Tale of the Three Brothers stares back at me.

        It doesn't take me long to find what I'm looking for, only because part of me knows this story already. I can't remember if Snape had told me about it or I overheard another student reading it in the library, but I remember one thing more than everything else; The Resurrection Stone.

       I hadn't thought about it once until the moment at the place I once called home. For some reason though, as soon as everything in my mind clicked the faded memory of it came to me.

        So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to the second brother, and told him that the stone would have the power to bring back the dead.

            Bring back the dead.

                       Bring back me.

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