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Song of the Chapter: Sad Eyes by James Arthur

Malory's POV

     Draco and I never returned to the dance. We probably would've if it hadn't ended so soon but I guess everyone was just ready to start partying.

         "I'm going to grab a drink from upstairs, do you want anything?"

       Draco finishes putting on his jumper and nods. "Surprise me. I'm going to head to the astronomy tower in a bit, you're welcome to join."

      I nod while putting my dress back on and don't even bother with shoes. Draco and I leave at the same time but quickly go separate ways to try and avoid anyone asking questions.

      But the one person that I hoped wouldn't see is staring right at me from across the common room; Theo.

       I inhale deeply then make my way over to him by the tables of booze.

                   "Hi." I say awkwardly.

        "A lot of people asked me where you went, you're lucky I covered for you." He chuckles.

         I let out a defeated sigh. "Theo, I'm so sorry. I promise this wasn't supposed-"

                    "Mal, it's okay." He stops me.

           I tilt my head, confused. "What do you mean?"

       "I've seen how you and Drac are, something in me just knew that you two were trying to make each other jealous tonight." He explains. "That's why I was being so dramatic, I could tell you wanted to make him mad. Then, when you disappeared and didn't come back, Pansy told me where you went."

      Everything he says leaves me completely shocked.

               "I still am sorry though, it's not fair to you." I say.

       He sighs while taking a sip from his drink. "I got my little moment with you, I'm content."

      Theo gives me a big smile and I can't help but do the same in return. Once he's finished pouring more liquor into his glass, he hands me the bottle of fire whiskey.

                       "Someone's waiting for you."

       His eyes point behind me and I look to the entrance of the common room and see Draco leaning against the wall with a blank stare. I turn back to Theo and thank him again for being so understanding, then join Draco and the doors.

                   "What did he have to say?" Draco asks.

      I flick the lid off of the bottle and start taking sips, then exit the common room. He follows right behind me while waiting for a response but I ignore him.

                 "Hello?" He snaps. "What did he say?"

       When we reach the bottom of the stairs to the tower I turn around and give him a smirk, then zip my lips. He tries to steal the bottle from me but before he can, I start racing up the stairs.

                "You want to play like that, yeah?" He huffs.

       Instantly, I hear his footsteps starting to follow me but because his legs are longer than mine, he gets to me quickly. I try to hop up multiple stairs at once but it's too late, Draco's hands wrap around my waist and he picks me up, taking my feet off of the floor.

                    "Stop!" I laugh out loud. "You're going to drop me!"

            "I'm not going to drop you," He scoffs. "I will take that, though."

      He grabs the bottle from my grasp and continues going up the stairs, still with me in his arms. Once we reach the top he sets me and down I hurry over to the railing to look at the sky.

                 "It's snowing!" I say excitedly.

      Draco makes a shocked face sarcastically while joining me and reaches his hand out to catch snowflakes in his hand. I start to do the same but then use my tongue instead.

         "We should have a huge snowball fight with everyone again, like that time at the manor." He says.

      I think back to Christmas a few years ago and remember how much fun the four of us had. Aary and I were on a team against the boys. We lost but only by two points.

       When I don't respond, Draco offers me the alcohol in his hand and I accept it. After taking a few big gulps I give it back and pull the pack of cigarettes from my pocket.

      He turns to me and watches while I light the cigarette hanging from my lip. The wind makes it impossible to get the end to burn so he uses his hands to create a block around my mouth. Once it's lit I nod as a way of saying thanks, then inhale.

                   "This is the happiest I've felt in months." I exhale.

       Draco tries to hide his smile by burying his face in his sleeves but I know it's there. When he comes back up though, it slowly fades.

             "You're going to keep pushing me away, aren't you?" He whispers.

        I make eye contact with him for a long moment while trying to think of what to say. But every single excuse that comes to mind vanishes into the blue of his eyes.

           "It has to be casual," I explain. "Our friends can know but I don't want my dad finding out. I know that isn't ideal but it keeps you safe."

         He moves closer to me and pulls the cigarette from my mouth. "I don't need you protecting me."

            "Drac, this is serious." I sigh while he moves hair out of my face. "Losing you is the last thing I need right now."

          When those words come out of my mouth his eyes move away from my lips and come back up to my eyes. I feel his thumb moving back and forth on my cheek.

               "You're really strong, you know that?"

         I roll my eyes playfully. "Now you're just being a suck up."

        His serious expression breaks when I reply and he laughs under his breath.

             "I'm being serious too," He tells me. "I don't know how you do it."

             "I barely get through it so don't praise me too much." I mumble.

       Draco lets out a heavy sigh while still keeping his focus on me. His sight travels to each part on my face, like he's observing.

              "So, casual?" He asks.

                I nod. "Casual."

      He smiles at me one last time before pulling me in for a kiss.

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