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Song of the Chapter: Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge

Malory's POV

    Aary and I went into town soon after Kreacher left and picked out dresses for the Casino. The boys found old suits in my dad's wardrobe so we didn't have to worry about that.

    I know we're still quite young and the outfits we've picked are extremely mature, but that's how you get into adult clubs. At the end of the day, everything we do tonight is purely to get the horcrux.

                "Mal, are you almost done?!" Draco shouts from the main floor.

      I quickly finish drinking the syrupy liquid inside the tube. When Slughorn first gave it to me I was really excited for its flavor. News flash, it tastes like shit.

                "I'm coming!" I huff while throwing on my heels.

      After taking one last look at myself in the mirror, I swing open the door of my room and hurry down the stairs.

Draco's POV

      Eventually, I hear the sound of heels walking down the stairs and sigh in relief. Aary, Blaise, and I have been sitting in the kitchen waiting for almost an hour now, why did it take Mal so long to get ready?

          "If I knew it was going to take you this long I would've taken a nap-"

          "If I knew it was going to take you this long I would've taken a nap-"

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               (Malory's outfit for the Casino)       

      As soon as I turn and see the dress wrapped around Malory's body, I completely lose my train of thought. Starting at the top with the lace fabric covering her breasts, all the way down to the thin garters leading to hidden places.

              "You alright, mate?" Blaise chuckles.

       Still with my eyes locked on her, I nod. In slow motion she walks up to me and rubs her thumb across my cheek. The silk of her glove sends chills down my spine.

               "I think you killed him, Mal." Aary giggles.

      Quickly, I snap back to reality and shoot Aary a glare. She raises her hands, defensively.

                "I'm just surprised you're not cold in that." I mutter.

      Mal nods playfully, then grabs her purse off of the kitchen table and starts walking towards the door with Aary. Blaise nudges my arm and I look to him.

            "How did we manage to pull those two?" He asks, quietly.

                     I scoff. "No fucking clue."

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