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Trigger warning - Mentions of eating disorder.

Song of the Chapter: A Little Death by The Neighborhood

Aary's POV

      I never said being skinnier would solve all of my problems, there's always going to be something. Too small of an ass, tiny breasts. And no matter what, boys will always have a say. They tell you you're too big so you stop eating but then they're surprised when your curves disappear. So yeah, it won't solve all of my problems.

       But in this moment, with my collarbones sharper than ever and my ribs popping out of my chest, I feel better than ever.

        "Can I borrow your powder?" Malory asks from the bathroom. "This bruise still hasn't gone away."

        I dig through my makeup bag and grab the powder, then bring it to her. She thanks me with a smile while dabbing large amounts of product onto her cheekbone.

                  (Malory's outfit for the party)

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                  (Malory's outfit for the party)

      "What did you say that was from again? A book?"

              "Yeah, I nearly fell asleep while reading." Malory sighs.

          Draco told me to keep an eye on Mal because he thinks something is up. I don't blame him, there's no way a book caused a bruise that large. Plus, Malory disappears randomly during the day sometimes without letting anyone know where she's going. I've asked Professor Snape and he just tells me to stop being nosey. But she's my best friend, how can I not be concerned?

                        "Okay, I think I'm just about finished."

        Malory hands me the powder now that she's done with it and looks at herself in the mirror for a long moment.

              "Can I give you your gift now?" She asks in a whiny tone.

       I roll my eyes but don't complain. Instead, I take a seat back on the bed and wait patiently for her to return. When she does, she's holding a medium-sized gift bag.

                   "Open it!" Mal giggles.

        I pull away the tissue paper and dig my hand inside, then end up pulling out a clothing piece. Holding it up I see that it's an incredibly sexy party dress.

         "If you have something picked out for tonight that's alright but I thought it was good for the occasion."

        Turning 16 is a pretty big deal for girls, it's like the beginning of womanhood before you're actually an adult. Boys start to look at you differently and your body matures. So yes, the dress is perfect for tonight.

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