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Song of the Chapter: Everybody Wants To Rule the World by Lorde

Malory's POV

       I wish I could avoid the address written on that page in Snape's notebook. If it were up to me, we wouldn't be coming here. But I can't run away from my fears and put the entire world in danger.

        I have to be the good guy.

              "So if we don't know what this place is," Blaise sighs. "How are we going to know what we're looking for?"

              Draco shrugs. "Who knows, maybe we'll get there and it'll make sense."

                      "Or we'll get there and be even more lost." Aary mumbles.

      I glance at her on my left. There's still some blood on her shoes from the other day. The three of them didn't really tell me much about what happened in the woods, other than letting me know Bellatrix is now dead.

           "It should be coming up soon..." Draco's words trail off as he stares at the address.

        It looks different, there's not as many trees. The last time I was here I was a baby, though. Maybe it really hasn't changed at all; I can just see the real world more clearly now that I'm grown.

       As we approach the end of the street, I stare at the lot where a home used to once stand. Now, all that's left is a pile of debris.

              "I don't understand," Draco says. "It says it's supposed to be right here..."

       I continue to stare at the house burned to the ground. It is here, it's just destroyed. Like I said, I don't remember much. But the trees used to be so big, there's an image printed in my mind of the leaves in front of a grey sky.

       Draco shuts the notebook, then meets at my side. Aary and Blaise join the two of us as well.

                        Blaise scoffs. "What the fuck is this?"

            It's my home.

            "No idea," I respond. "Let's just hurry up and search the place."

       Blaise, Aary, and Draco all hesitate to walk closer to the house so I go forward alone. The doorway to the front is still standing but as soon as you go through it, there's no walls.

        Dirt and glass surround my feet, along with small groups of rats. There's no way a horcrux is in here, right? Out of all places he could hide a piece of his soul, why here?

        "There's not really many places to look, Mal." Draco says while placing his hand on my back.

        He's not wrong, but we can't just give up right away. If we leave and no one ever finds this horcrux then we're screwed.

      I kick the dirt back and forth with my shoe while trying to think of places to look. That's when I realize the perfect hiding spot is right below me.

              "Maybe it's buried." I say under my breath.

           Draco raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

        Instead of repeating myself, I just start digging. I could be totally off track and just turning my clothes brown for no reason, but for some reason it makes sense. I still don't know what I'm looking for, but it has to be buried.

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