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Draco's POV

       Professor Umbridge expects a lot from me considering I'm a prefect. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to get anyone in trouble for anything but it also gets annoying overtime. And Umbridge makes it ten times worse.

                        "Mr. Malfoy!"

      I stop in the middle of the corridor and groan. She can clearly see that I've just gotten back from practice and desperately need a shower, but I guess that doesn't matter.

           I turn around and walk in her direction. "That's me."

        She narrows her eyes at my snarky response. "I need you to help me with something."

                          "I assumed so, what is it?"

      Umbridge looks around the hallway, then back to me. "Mr. Potter and his friends are still sneaking off to the seventh floor, yes?"

             I nod my head.

          "I want you to figure out what it is they're doing and report it to me."

       Potter and the other students have been up to something for a while now and at first I was interested, but it got old. To me it just looks like some sort of extra study session so I'm not sure why Umbridge cares so much.

               But hey, I'm always willing to fuck with Potter a little.

       "How do you want me to do that? We've tried to figure it out for months now, it's impossible." I remind her.

         "If you get your hands on some Veritaserum then it shouldn't be too hard."

                     The truth telling potion, I should have known.

       Professor Umbridge walks off towards her office without another word. At first, I can't think of any way to get my hands on Veritaserum. But then I notice someone walking out of the Potions classroom and get an idea.

                 "Mal, best friend!" I shout at her.

        She shoves something into her pocket and stares at me blankly.

                      "What do you want, Drac?"

                 Is it that obvious that I need a favor?

       I run my fingers through my hair and smile down at her. "I need you to get something from Snape's classroom, but he can't know."

         She laughs in my face. "You want me to steal from him? Are you mad?"

        "Oh come on!" I whine. "He's your pal so if he does find out, he won't get mad."

                  Malory crosses her arms aggressively, still not persuaded.

         "I'll let you wear that jumper of mine you like whenever you want..." I mumble while staring at my feet.

         That sentence grabs her attention. "Can I keep it?"

                         "No!" I snap.

      Malory yawns and starts walking off dramatically, but I stop her.

          "Fine!" I shout. "You're so frustrating, I hope you know."

      "I need to keep you on your toes." She chuckles while unlocking the door to Snape's classroom.

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