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Aary's POV

                "Stop acting like it's so interesting!" Draco huffs.

     Malory looks up from her textbook and laughs. "You're just cranky because I won the Liquid Luck."

          "Yeah I am actually," He snaps. "Because a year ago I was wasting my time tutoring you and now you're top of the class!"

      Blaise and I try to hold in our laughter but it's nearly impossible. Draco has so many other things he should be worried about right now, but of course he's mad about some silly grade in Potions.

                    "And you said Snape gave you that?"

        Malory nods and Draco gets more frustrated.

                "I was his favorite once." He mumbles.

        "You have an Outstanding in Potions, why would he give you a textbook to help?" Blaise asks.

         Draco completely ignores the question and slouches back in his chair.

        Malory turns to me. "Did we ever learn a spell called Sectumsempra?"

      I try to think back to the many lessons in Dark Arts and remember but it doesn't ring a bell.

                       "What type of spell?" Blaise asks.

            She looks back at the page. "For enemies I guess."

      Once again, Draco shows interest. "Let's try it on Z and see what it does."

          "Fuck no!" Blaise shouts. "Mal, I know you would love to try it on Draco"

         "We're not trying it on anyone," She sighs. "I was just curious, I don't think I've heard of it before."

       "Well it would be nice to know, for the sake of you know what." I mutter under my breath.

            Draco narrows his eyes at me and I throw my hands up in defense.

                            "I just want to help!" I snap.

        Everyone in the library turns to the four of us with angry expressions. I know this whole situation is terrible but if there's any way we can help Drac, I want to. Even if that means risking getting put in Azkaban for the rest of our lives. That's better than Draco getting killed.

             "I did see something in Borgin and Burkes a while back," Malory mentions. "Some sort of necklace?"

                      "Opal necklace?" Blaise raises an eyebrow.

        Malory nods and I'm shocked he even knows what that is. It's not like him to be into dark magic.

                           "Maybe we should check it out."

          Draco buries his face in his jumper and groans. Knockturn Alley is one of the most terrifying places in the wizarding world, my father would never let me go there with him when I was younger. That may have also been because his wanted posters were plastered all over the brick walls.

        After sitting in silence, trying to think of a different solution, Draco and Malory eventually get up from their chairs and start heading towards the exit of the library.

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