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Song of the Chapter: I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski

Aary's POV

      After getting past all of the Death Eaters in the Forbidden Forest the four of us quickly make our way up to the school. There's still hundreds of Death Eaters surrounding us but luckily they've got more important things to worry about right now.

       "Do you think it's true?" I turn to Mal. "Do you actually think Harry will come here?"

      She continues looking up at the school while nodding. "My dad will make sure he's here."

      I feel my throat tightening as the thought of Harry's dead body laying in the center of the courtyard fills my mind. I may hate him but deep down I love him like a brother. And deep down I know he's just trying to do what's right. That's more than I've ever done.

              "So when we get in there we need to try and find him." She adds on.

      Draco's mouth opens to say something but a rumble underneath our feet interrupts. I look behind us and instantly see where the sound is coming from.

     A large crowd of Death Eaters have gathered together on top of the nearest hill like predators waiting on their prey. All at once, they begin running towards the school.

                         My eyes grow big in fear. "W-What do we do?"

     Blaise's hand wraps around mine and in sync we all move at a fast pace. The Death Eater's behind us start chanting and screaming cruel words.

        "We sacrifice our lives for The Dark Lord!" They shout. "We'll sacrifice everything!"

     Chills appear on my spine and I can't tell if it's from their voices or the rain slamming against my back. When we get closer to the school I start to notice a blue glowing light forming at the top, almost like a barrier being created.

                    "Is that what I think it is?!" Blaise hollers.

      I watch it closely and see it covering every entrance of the school;  it's a shield to keep the Death Eaters out. I've never seen it used before but it doesn't look like a simple spell. If we want to get past it we need to hurry.

      As soon as we realize what's happening we begin racing to the school. My body wants to collapse due to the amount of running but we can't stop. Not only is the barrier almost completely sealed, but the Death Eaters have spotted us and are not happy.

              "We're almost there!" Draco shouts from behind.

      I push myself to move quicker when I see how close the school is to us. It only takes me a few more steps to get inside the wall.

     I feel relief come over me until I see that Draco and Malory are still trying to catch up. I don't know how they got so far back but they're closer to the Death Eaters than they are to us.

                     "Come on!" I scream through my hands.

     Draco manages to get to us but when he turns around to grab Malory's hand, a Death Eater shoots a spell at her from behind. She falls to the ground immediately but luckily doesn't go unconscious.

     The three of us try to help her up, but when my leg touches a piece of the barrier I can't help but screech in pain. My entire body falls onto the ground and the only thing I can see when I look up is the seal separating us from Malory and the Death Eaters. It's completely closed.

       Draco stares down at my leg, then back up at Malory. The anger in his face grows so quickly that tears begin to form. I try to get up but Blaise forces me to stay down.

                 "I-I don't know what to do." Draco says with a shaky tone.

     Malory looks back at the Death Eaters, who are only inches away from her now. "They can't kill me, my dad won't allow it. Get the horcruxes to Harry and the others."

                      "No! We can't get separated-"

     The Death Eaters grabbing Malory's arms interrupts Draco in the middle of his sentence. We each shout evil things at the men but they don't listen. The only thing they do is spit down at the ground with a smirk.

       "Daddy's going to be happy to see you." One of the men says into Malory's ear.

      She clenches her jaw but doesn't say anything. The only thing that keeps me from completely losing it is the fact that she doesn't look scared. If anything, she looks relieved to be in their grasp.

       The sound of the Death Eaters chanting doesn't stop, the fighting from behind us doesn't either. But as we watch Malory disappear into the forest with the Death Eaters, everything sounds muffled.

      Draco's hand forms a fist at his side but as soon as he raises it to hit something, weakness overtakes him. He covers his mouth with his fingertips, trying to hold back every single feeling inside.

        With closed eyes he whispers, "Please don't hurt her. Please don't take her from me."

       I feel a tear burning the top of my cheek as I slowly walk towards him and pull him in for a hug. All of the pain he's kept in breaks loose and he can't help but sob in my arms.

       "We have to get these to the trio," I say softly. "That's what's going to help Mal the most right now, alright?"

        He inhales dramatically to contain his tears, then pulls away from me. He takes one last glance out at the Forbidden Forest, then starts walking towards Hogwarts.

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