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Draco's POV

       The first time I smoked weed I was 13. A few of the older Slytherin's on the Quidditch team offered it to me and of course I wasn't going to decline. I only did it with them once and that's because I felt so pressured to act older than my age.

         Blaise was the second person I did it with, then Aary and Malory decided to join. They made me realize that it's okay to act like a complete fucking idiot.

                       Aary clears her throat. "Turn to page three hundred and ninety four."

          Blaise and I burst into laughter as she tries to make herself sound like Snape, and fails drastically.

                        "What?" Malory snaps. "I thought it was brilliant!"

                               "Thank you, Mal." Aary says while bowing.

          "Speaking of Snape, did he ever say anything to you guys about the punch?"

                "No," Blaise huffs. "But if he does, I know exactly who I'm blaming."

             Aary and Malory nod their head in agreement, and I notice Aary trying her hardest not to think too deeply about what happened tonight. Even though they weren't together officially, no one deserves to go through something like that.

                     "I am really sorry, Aary." I mutter.

          She looks up at the three of us giving her sympathetic looks and chuckles.

                                         "Don't be, I'm fine."

            Malory and I exchange looks awkwardly as the entire astronomy tower goes silent. It's clear that Aary's lying, but what more can you do? She knows we're all here for her when she's ready to talk about things.

                             "Well, I'm hungry." Malory sighs.

             Blaise raises his hand slightly. "Me too."

                                   "Me three." I add on.

            We wait for Aary to join in but she continues to stay quiet.

              "Drac, didn't you say you know how to sneak into the kitchen?" Malory asks me.

                  I nod. "I helped Crabbe and Goyle steal food all of the time a few years ago."

           She raises an eyebrow at me, then slowly starts to get up from the floor. When she sees that I'm not following, she starts yanking on my arm.

                                 "Come on..." She groans.

                  "Fine, fine." I mumble while helping myself up.

          The two of us get to the staircase and Malory turns around. "We'll be back with snacks, any requests?"

                      Blaise instantly responds. "Any type of ice cream."

              Malory nods, then looks at Aary. "Anything for you my love?"

                    Aary shakes her head. "I'm not hungry, thanks though."

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