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Malory's POV

August, 1997

           "I'm tired of this shit."

           "Language," Snape sighs. "And you can take a break you know. The horcruxes aren't going anywhere."

              I scoff. "Oh really? If I remember correctly, Harry is searching for them right now too. And he probably has a lot more information because shit just works out for him like that."

        He looks up from his notebook with a glare.

                        "Sorry." I huff.

      His expression quickly changes as he lets out a small chuckle. After staring at the notes in front of me for another few moments, I slam my book aggressively.

               "Why can't I just have a dad who makes me do chores?" I mutter. "I hate doing dishes but that sounds nice right about now."

                  "You're more than welcome to do the dishes." He responds.

      I glance over at the door leading to the kitchen and roll my eyes. Snape gets up from his desk chair and joins me on the other side of the room, still with his notebook under his arm.

              "You deserve a father who will do more than that," He says. "Hugs, long talks about anything and everything. Adventures, big and small-"

                    "You give nice hugs." I tell him.

        I can tell my words take him by surprise even though his expression doesn't change. The look in his eyes when they lock with mine is shocked but in a delicate way.

                          "And we have good talks, I think at least."

          He stares down at the notebook in his lap and smiles. "I think so too."

      I touch the locket around my neck, fiddling with the tiny detailing on the back. The room gets quiet but for the first time ever, the silence feels alright; it feels safe.

                   "So I guess in a way you're like a dad to me."

~               ~                ~

               "Mal? You ready to go?"

     I look up at Aary, who is standing in the doorway of the study.

                "Just about," I tell her. "Give me another minute."

       She glances around the room, then back to me. "You know after this is all over we can come back here, right? We don't have to say goodbye to this place-"

             "I know," I cut her off. "Just give me another minute?"

        A small smile forms on her face but I can tell it's more sympathetic than happy. She nods, then leaves the room.

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