Author's Notes

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     It's finally finished! It feels like just yesterday I started planning this book so I'm in shock that we're already done. If you've been here through the journey, I'm so grateful for you.

      This books holds such a special place in my heart, by far my most favorite work I've done. I really hope you all enjoyed the ending, I think it turned out beautifully.

       I'm officially taking a break from writing fan fiction, I have a lot of things happening in my real life that I need to focus on. BUT, I am planning on writing books and getting them published professionally, so if you're interested in reading those in the future make sure to stick around.

     Even though I'm not creating any new fan fictions at the moment, I'll still always be checking in on here, I love you all too much to just disappear.

      Thank you so much for the constant love and support on my stories, it means the world.

                                       I love you all,

                                             Alexis <3

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