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Song of the Chapter: If You Want Love by NF

Malory's POV

          I've convinced myself that I ruined holiday break, but we don't usually do much for it anyway. Aary and Blaise stayed at the manor for as long as possible until Lucius kicked them out, which was only a day or two. After that Draco and I kind of spent the rest of the break away from one another. I could tell he wanted to go out and do things, but I'm just too tired.

         You'd think that I'd be getting a lot of sleep considering we're not at school and we can sleep in, but I don't think I've even closed my eyes since Christmas night. Sometimes when I blink I get worried I take too long.

           Although school is school and no one really likes it, I'm grateful to be back. Hogwarts is one of the only real homes I've ever had. It's the day before term starts up again which means we all have one more night to relax.

                     "Can we do something?" Draco groans.

       I laugh under my breath. "You do realize we have class tomorrow, right?

                    "And we have to wake up early?" Aary adds on.

       Draco rolls his eyes and slouches further onto the sofa. "Well, I'm bored."

                   Blaise raises his hand. "Me too. I say we do something."

            The palm of my hand meets with my forehead. "Alright, any ideas?"

        The boys give each other evil smirks, then race over to the table with leftover booze. I should be complaining and a part of me is, but I could use a drink.

                        "Truth or dare?" Blaise asks.

         Aary sighs. "Fuck it, I've got no secrets anymore."

       Draco opens the bottle of whiskey and sits back down on the floor in front of the sofa.

            "Alright you know the rules, if you choose to not answer the truth or not do the dare, you drink."

                  "You act like that's a punishment." Blaise mumbles.

         I cuddle up next to Aary by the fire and sit criss-crossed. The boys both start sipping from the bottle before we begin the game but see us giving them dirty looks and stop.

                      "Can we start now?" Aary snaps.

       Blaise raises his hands in defense and signals for someone to ask the first question. Of course, it's Draco. And of course, he points at me.

                                   "Mal, truth or dare?"

          I'm a pretty big dare devil but at the same time I'm not really in the mood for one of Draco's insane challenges.


       He pretends to think long and hard. "Who is the worst person you've kissed at Hogwarts?"

            Aary chuckles under her breath because she knows the answer and I roll my eyes.

                             "Ron Weasley." I mumble quietly.

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