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Song of the Chapter: Paralyzed by NF

Aary's POV

     The halls of Hogwarts are empty and although I've seen this many times, it feels different. We are the only ones that were in the tower but everyone knows something bad has happened. Darkness is rising.


        As Bellatrix's wand points towards the large windows of the great hall, the glass bursts into millions of pieces. Wind pushes its way through the room and glass flies in the air, creating slashes on our faces. Blaise moves his body in front of Malory and I, taking the rest of the glass in his back.

         I narrow my eyes aggressively to search the room for Draco and find him still beside Snape at the front of the room. When the Death Eaters begin moving once again they do as well.

        Right as we start exiting through the entrance of the school, I notice a figure coming towards us at a fast pace. Harry pulls his wand from his pocket and gives a look to the three of us that I've never seen before; he's coming for revenge.

        I turn my head back to Snape and Draco in hopes of finding a solution, but they're already out the door. Malory grabs my hand again and starts running.

                    "We can't just keep running!" Blaise shouts.

        Even though he's right, Malory ignores him and keeps following Snape. We approach the Forbidden Forest and do not hesitate to rush inside. The lack of lighting and many trees makes it twice as hard to keep up with the Death Eaters in front.

       There is yelling coming from behind but the only sound I can hear is the leaves crunching underneath my feet and my breathing growing heavy.

                      "You fucking cowards!" Harry screams.

       The first curse he throws at us misses my arm by an inch. The second, third, and fourth, go right over my head. He tries to hit Draco and Snape so they'll stop but their movement makes it a challenge.

               "Harry, stop it!" I shout while trying to block the spells.

      The anger in his eyes shows that he isn't listening to anything I'm saying. He continues to try and bring Draco to the ground.


      The force of the curse causes me to fall back into Blaise but luckily he catches me before I hit the ground. Malory on the other hand gets thrown down and slams into a large boulder in the dirt.

       I get my balance back and rush over to help her up but thankfully she gets up just fine. Her head is bleeding but nothing we haven't seen before. When I turn back around to grab Blaise, I notice that Draco has moved from his spot beside Snape.

                     "Draco, leave him!" Snape demands.

      Draco continues storming towards Harry, fighting off every single spell he shoots. All at once, he pins Harry's body up against a tree and presses his wand into the side of his neck.

             "Get the fuck out of here before I kill you just like I did him." He growls.

        "No," Harry pants. "Don't you realize what you've done?! He was going to fix this!"

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