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Song of the Chapter: I Can't Handle Change by Roar (the chapter is much better with this song SLOWED, so feel free to listen to that version hehe)

Draco's POV

      As soon as Malory disappears into the manor, the rest of us decided to enter also. Only instead of following her to the library, we join the other Death Eaters in the drawing room.

               "Since when are those two apart of meetings?" Travers scoffs.

        I look back at Aary and Blaise, who look completely out of place.

             "The girl is most likely trying to get revenge for her father somehow," Bellatrix sighs. "As for the boy, I have no idea."

      Aary's face turns bright red with anger but Blaise keeps her fists from clenching. I give them both a signal to follow me to the other side of the room.

      Normally, Nagini is right beside Voldemort at meetings. So when I immediately spot her alone in the corner, I'm taken by surprise. It's almost like Snape is doing all of the work for us from above.

      The idea that comes to my mind is stupid, completely bonkers. But, it just might work. I give Blaise a look, letting him know shits about to get a little wild, then I turn back to the snake.

      And with one flick of my wand, I cast a spell towards her. 

                      "Confringo!" I shout.

     Aary and Blaise cover their faces to block the debris and as soon as they look back up, I see complete shock in their eyes. But before they can yell at me, I grab their hands and start running.

                 "Are you fucking insane?!" Blaise hollers from behind.

                         "Shut it, I have a plan!" I snap back.

      The two of them quickly lose their attitude and continue following me to the back of the house. Once we're outside, I head straight for the woods.

               "Uh, Drac," Aary says nervously. "She's getting close!"

       I look behind at Nagini racing towards us, right behind her is Bella. We've got some time on them but the woods only last for so long. If we keep running, we're going to end up in town.

           Come on, Draco. Think.

        Suddenly, I stop running. Aary and Blaise nearly bump into me when I do so but they stop themselves right before. I glance back at Nagini, then stare at the two of them.

            "Can you distract Bellatrix?" I ask.

     They give each other worried expressions, but then nod. I watch as Blaise pulls his wand out, then takes Aary's hand while going in Bellatrix's direction. I expect Nagini to try and follow them, but she doesn't; she's coming for me specifically.

          I sigh under my breath. "Well, this will be interesting."

Aary's POV

       When we first start charging towards Bellatrix, she looks confused. Honestly for a split second, I swear she seems scared. But that quickly vanishes and the only thing that's left is the insanity flowing through her veins.

      She's hungry for a fight.

          "Whatever you do, don't put your wand down." Blaise says to me.

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