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Aary's POV

                  "Did you guys see this shit?"

        I look over Blaise's shoulder at the newspaper article and see, 

         Mass Breakout From Azkaban

          "Draco, isn't that your aunt?" I ask.

        Malory rips the paper from my hands and stares down at the moving photograph of Bellatrix Lestrange.

          "This makes no sense," She mumbles. "Drac, she was at Christmas dinner."

        Finally, Draco decides to join the conversation and looks over at the news. You'd think he'd be surprised to see his family member on the front page of the Daily Prophet, but he's not.

          "It's about time I guess." He scoffs. "She got out a while ago, the Daily Prophet is just slow nowadays."

                    "Or they printed this at a certain time." I add.

        The Daily Prophet doesn't care about giving you information, they care about creating a stir in the wizarding world. So if they all really did break out a while ago and it's just now being talked about, there's a reason behind it.

        I notice Malory reading the paper over and over again, like she's trying to find some sort of hidden message.

           "Hey," I nudge her arm and she looks up. "Don't worry about it, if she's going to come for anyone it's not you."

          Malory laughs to herself and I join in. It's no secret that Bellatrix has an odd soft spot for Mal, she has since we can remember. That's odd considering how cold hearted the bitch actually is.

               "Class stars in a few minutes so we should get going." Blaise tells us.

        Like always, the rest of the Slytherin table has already left the great hall. We're always the last ones out anymore.

          "So I had an idea..." Blaise starts talking and we immediately groan because he says this often and the ideas are always mad.

           "No listen," He huffs. "Party this Saturday of course, but this time we announce a theme for everyone to follow."

              Draco laughs out loud. "Oh please, like anyone's going to listen to that shit."

         Malory and I exchange glances and I can tell she's thinking the same thing. People love themes for events, I don't know why we never thought of this.

                       "Actually Z, that's a really brilliant idea." I say happily.

                             I see his face light up. "You think so?"

            I nod and so does Malory. Draco rolls his eyes and starts walking faster in hopes of leaving us all behind but we catch up right before we hit Professor Snape's classroom. The four of us take a seat in our normal spots and wait patiently for Snape to start class.

             "I can't believe the O.W.L.s are as close as they are." I groan.

       Blaise nods in agreement. "If we fail I'm blaming it on those two."

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