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Trigger Warning - Suicide attempt & detailed descriptions that some may find disturbing.

Song of the Chapter: Breathe Me by Sia

Malory's POV

August, 1987

     I stare down at the letter with wide eyes. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A school for magic that wants me?

                    "Malory! Supper is ready."

       Before Mrs. Cole enters my room, I quickly shove the piece of parchment into my back pocket. She notices the tension in my shoulders and raises an eyebrow.

                           "Is everything alright, dear?"

       I nod with a smile. "Just a stomach ache. Do you think I could skip this meal?"

           She hesitates to answer, but I know she has a soft spot for me.

                      "Alright, but you must join us for breakfast tomorrow."

                                 "Yes, I promise."

       Mrs. Cole exits the room and the second I'm alone again, I start packing. I don't even have a lot of clothes but I just start throwing it all into my bag.

      Once it's packed fully, I slide the bag underneath my bed and wait for night to come.

                   "Alright children, time to rest!"

      I feel a sudden giddiness in my gut starting to form but I keep a blank expression. One of the caregivers comes in to say goodnight, then she closes my door.

      As soon as I see the lights in the hallway turn off, I jump out of my bed and rush over to the door. But when my hand tries to twist the doorknob, it doesn't budge.

             Of course you have to lock the doors tonight.

      I start to feel defeated but as I sit down on my bed, I feel the parchment in my pocket crinkle. And that's when an insane idea comes to mind.

     While keeping my eyes closed, I start to focus on the single window in the room. It's glass, but not impossible to break.

       With that little thought, I shatter the window with my mind.

       I don't believe it at first, just assume that my mind is playing tricks on me. But the glass all over the floor is very real, so is the cool summer breeze on my face.

      I feel myself getting more and more excited by the second. When the orphanage alarms begin to chirp, I realize this is no time to celebrate.

       So I grab my bag from under my bed, and I climb out of the window.

      The letter said September 1st, that's not too far away. Sure, I'll need to find somewhere to stay until then but anywhere is better than that place.

      After walking for hours upon hours through the streets of London, I come across a large building that catches my eye. The street lights hit the colorful stained glass windows beautifully, creating a rainbow on the concrete below me.

           And what's even better about it is that I don't see a single person inside.

      I casually look around to see if anyone is looking, and once the coast is clear I hurry inside.

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