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Song of the Chapter: Blood // Water by grandson

Draco's POV

                    "Now which one of you killed her, hm?"

      All of the Death Eaters stop firing curses but keep their wands held high. With my face still in the dirt I try to think of any possible way to get out of here alive. As much as I hate to admit, Blaise is right; we have to fight.

            The Death Eater crouches down beside me. "You're too much of a pussy like your dad. Couldn't have been you."

      My jaw tightens as he moves away from me and towards Malory. His hand reaches out and pulls her hair behind her ear, causing her to flinch.

            "Better not have been you," He sighs. "Although I would love to see you get thrown around a little more. Luckily your dad never disappoints with that."

      I see the fire in Malory's eyes grow as he raises his wand to her neck, pushing it further into her skin while he speaks.

                 "So what do you say, princess? Want to get feisty-"

                        "That's enough, you git." I snap.

       Anger fills his face, making him red. I keep the grip on my wand tight but don't make it noticeable. The tension growing around us is razor sharp.

          "Fine," The Death Eater huffs. "I guess we'll just kill you all. Grab the girl."

       Two of the men behind him begin walking in the direction of Malory but before they can latch onto her, I jump in front. All at once the four of us raise our wands, along with the Death Eaters.

                "Always find a way to make things difficult, don't you Malfoy?"

       I glance at Blaise, who is standing in front of Aary. I can tell by the expression on his face that he's thinking the same thing as me; let's kill these tossers.


       The large tree behind us splits in half, nearly falling on top of our bodies. Luckily seconds before it does we each move to different sides of the Death Eaters.


       Aary shoots the curse at the man inches away from her, causing him to fall to the ground. His moans and cries for help make every one of us turn.

            The main Death Eater puts his wand back in his pocket. "Fuck this."

      A knife replaces the wand in his hand. He throws it in the air a few times while slowly walking towards Aary, who is too busy fighting to notice.

            "I can't wait to see how much you bleed." He mutters under his breath.

       Malory tries running after Aary but I stop her by grabbing her shirt sleeve. She tries to fight me but then realizes why I stopped her; Blaise is already one step ahead.

     Just as the Death Eater is about to dig his knife into Aary's back, Blaise slams his body into him. The two of them fall to the ground and luckily Blaise lands on top. Without hesitating he takes the knife from the Deater Eater and stabs it into his gut.

      The Death Eater tries to fight back even with multiple holes in his stomach but as soon as Blaise slides the blade across the man's neck, he gives up. My eyes grow big as I watch Blaise get up from the ground, covered in blood. But I'm not scared or concerned, if anything I'm impressed.

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