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Song of the Chapter: WTF Are We Talking For by Labrinth

Blaise's POV

      If I'm being honest, I do feel like I turned 16 yesterday. So to think that tonight is my 17th birthday party is a little insane. But I'm not going to complain, it's nice getting attention from everyone.

               "Happy birthday!" Aary shouts while rushing into my dorm.

      The attention from her is especially nice.

         I finish tying my shoelace then pick her up in my arms. "I was wondering when you'd come see me."

      She presses out foreheads together and smiles happily. Once I give her a passionate kiss on the lips she jumps back down and rushes over to the bag she placed on my bed.

    I get distracted by her outfit but that's nothing new. She's always wearing something that makes the entire room stare, even if she doesn't believe me when I tell her that.

                        (Aary's outfit for the party)

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                        (Aary's outfit for the party)

               "Here! Open it." Aary says excitedly.

      I pull away the tissue paper and pick up a small booklet with parchment bonded together. On the front of it says,

             Relationship Coupons

           To: Blaise, Love: Aary

    "They're coupons for things like massages, date nights..."

      Aary takes the booklet from me and starts flipping through the pages quickly.

                       "There should be one in there for sex-"

        "I didn't know I wanted this," I say while taking it out of her grasp. "But this is probably the best gift I've ever received."

      The nervousness in her tone fades and her cheeks turn bright red. While focusing on each page I smile at the amount of detail put into each; They all have little doodles and colorful stickers.

                      "I love you." I say under my breath.

             She kisses me on the cheek. "I love you too."

       My eyes grow big but I try to not make a big deal about it. When I told her I love her for the first time I didn't expect her to say it back for a while but I wasn't upset about that. She's mine and that's really all I care about. But hearing her say those words makes me realize how much she really does mean to me. Yeah, I'm only 17. If I told my mum that I'm in love with a girl she'd laugh in my face and tell me I'm just a kid. Maybe I am, but I also do know what I want.

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