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Song of the Chapter: I Just Want to Be The One You Love by Boxout

Blaise's POV

      When Umbridge decided to continue chasing the twins we realized that for now we're off the hook so we went back to the common room. The problem is everyone left when we got caught so it's just the four of us.

              "I can't believe Fred and George actually did that!" Aary laughs.

      "It was their last year at Hogwarts," Draco points out. "If it wasn't I highly doubt they would've helped us out."

          I notice Malory still holding the arm that Umbridge grabbed.

                   "Are you alright?" I ask her.

     She quickly lets go of her arm and smiles. "Yeah, she was quite aggressive though."

           "Oh please, she's like three feet tall!" Draco jokes.

       Aary chokes on her drink as we all burst into laughter.

       "It was funny when she stood face to face with you," I say to Malory. "She nearly broke her neck looking up!"

       Draco leans back in his chair while laughing and ends up slamming into the floor. This makes us all laugh twice as hard.

                      "Stop, I'm going to pee!" Aary hollers.

       We all calm down and the room gets quiet again, the only sound coming from the wireless radio on the table. While taking more sips from my cup I get invested in what the announcer is saying. The volume is set on the lowest level but I hear a set of names that are too familiar.

            "Are they still talking about Potter and his friends?" Draco says, irritated.

                  Aary becomes interested as well. "Hey, turn that up."

      I do as she says and turn the knob up to medium volume.

         "The events that occurred this evening at the Ministry have left us all speechless," The announcer says. "We are not sure how or why, but one thing is certain; He Who Must Not Be Named is back."

       When they mention The Dark Lord on the radio we all immediately feel sick, almost like a dark cloud has formed over the school. Malory's face goes white and I start to worry that she's about to faint.

                   "Here, drink this." I hand her a cold glass of water.

    She tries her best to smile while thanking me. The announcer continues to explain what went down at the Ministry and the four of us sit quietly while listening.

         "Ministry worker Lucius Malfoy was caught trying to steal and is now being taken into custody at Azkaban along with other Death Eaters."

       I turn to Draco along with Malory and Aary. The terror in his expression sends chills down my spine.

                     "You heard it right, Death Eaters are among us!"

       "This is rubbish," Aary pulls the wireless off the table. "Let's just turn it off-"

       Her pointer and thumb start to twist the volume down all the way but another name is said and she stops. I won't lie, at first I just assume they're trying to pin everything on him, that's what they always do. And usually when that does happen we all become enraged. I'd give anything for this to be another one of those times.

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