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Blaise's POV

After the night Dumbledore died, I didn't think I'd ever see Hogwarts in a worse state. Only seconds after entering the school I realize that this takes the cake; everyone has lost hope. Some students are trying to fight but most of them have given up. They stare out at the blood and fire flying through the sky with no emotion, like the end has already arrived.

I look over to Aary, who looks completely defeated.

"They all look so broken," She sniffles. "I can't imagine what happened while we were gone."

"Yeah, you don't want to know."

The voice behind us is instantly familiar. Draco, Aary, and I turn around quickly to see Theo and Pansy holding each other close. Dirt and ash covers their clothes.

Pansy lets go of Theo and pulls Aary close. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

Aary lets out a heavy sigh as a smile grows on her face. "You can't get rid of us that easily."

Theo moves closer to Draco and I, placing his hand on my shoulder in the process. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, mates."

Aary rejoins at my side and Draco responds to Theo. "We'll explain it all once this is over, but right now we need a favor."

Pansy and Theo exchange glances but don't ask questions.

"Have either of you seen Potter?" Draco asks.

Theo scoffs. "If I had seen him, I would've turned him in."

Pansy elbows him in the gut and he raises his hands in defense.

"The trio was in the great hall not too long ago, maybe check there?" She tells us.

We thank her for the help, then start towards the main hall of the school. I feel bad for not staying to chat longer, but now is not the time. Hopefully we'll all get out of this alive so we can catch up. I miss the late night drinking games and random dance parties; I miss being a kid.

It takes longer than it should to get to the great hall because of the chaos but eventually we make it. But as soon as we're inside it's clear that the trio isn't around.

"Great," Draco scoffs. "Our luck they've left the school again."

Aary gives him a dirty look and tries to respond, but something behind Draco and I grabs her attention. I look over my shoulder and see Granger and Weasley re-entering the great hall. Right when they see us, their expressions change.

Weasley huffs. "We don't have time for your shit-"

Aary quickly raises her hands as a way of showing that we're not trying to cause more problems.

"We want to help."

Granger's shoulders relax a small amount but I can tell Weasley isn't buying it. His arms cross dramatically.

Aary runs her fingers through her hair and sighs. "I know you don't trust us and that's fine, but we have something you need."

Before either of them can ask questions, Aary pulls the locket and cup from her bag. Their eyes grow big in shock.

"We killed Nagini but no longer have the basilisk fang," I explain to them. "We were thinking you guys could help us destroy the remaining horcruxes."

They stay silent for a moment longer. Granger moves closer to us and scans the horcruxes closely, I assume to make sure they're real.

"Why the sudden change in sides?" She asks us.

Draco pushes past Aary and I. "Because we think there may be a chance that your plan will work and I don't want my girlfriend to suffer anymore."

Weasley narrows his eyes at Draco but before he can make any rude comments, Granger nudges him.

"We were actually on our way to destroy the Ravenclaw Diadem now." She states.

I notice Aary lost in thought and pull her hair out of her face. She looks up at me, then back to Granger.

"Is Harry not here?"

Granger shakes her head. "He disappeared before the Death Eaters arrived."

"And what about Malory?" Weasley questions.

Draco's jaw tightens but he pushes past his anger. "She's with Voldemort."

The two of them give us worried looks but don't say anything.

"So if we could pick up the pace a little, I'd appreciate it." Draco adds on.

"Alright," Granger sighs. "Ron and I can take care of those but we'll need one of you to deal with the Diadem. Harry said that it's in the Room of Requirement."

We all three stare down at horcruxes in Aary's hands.

"Or we could each worry about a horcrux so things will go quicker." I suggest.

"Yeah, Blaise and I can find the Diadem. You and Ron can find a way to destroy the cup and Draco can deal with the locket." Aary says.

Weasley looks to Granger for approval but she takes a minute to agree. She hands me a basilisk fang from her back pocket, then begins explaining where to find more.

"We know there's something in the Chamber of Secrets that can destroy horcruxes. But the only other thing we know of is the Gryffindor Sword and the last time we saw that was-"

"My house," Draco finishes. "You two will have more luck finding it than me, considering your house. I'll take the locket into the chamber and destroy it, I just need to know how to get in."

Weasley pulls a piece of parchment off of the nearest table and begins writing words on it. Once he's finished, he hands it to Draco.

"When you get to the door, say those words."

Draco nods and shoves the parchment into his jacket. I wait for someone to say anything else but the room goes quiet. It's not an awkward silence, though. It's like the silence before a performance.

"Once you've destroyed the horcrux, meet back here." Granger tells us.

I look over at Draco, who is already heading towards the exit. Aary takes my hand tightly and when Granger and Weasley start moving, we follow right behind. But as soon as we're in the corridor, we all go separate ways.

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