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Aary's POV

                        "Are you hungry?"

      I turn and see Blaise standing in the doorway of the study with a smile. Mal gives me a playful smirk before moving past him and leaving the room. Once she's gone, Blaise takes a seat on the desk beside me.

            "Drac said we're probably going to leave once it's dark out," He explains. "Did you and Mal figure out what that fang is?"

           I set the plate of food down and nod. "We think it's for the horcruxes, that's probably why Snape had it."

                "So it's not a horcrux itself, but possibly what destroys them?"

    For a second time, I nod. Blaise stares down at the food next to me getting cold and frowns.

                     He rests his hand on mine. "Is everything okay?"

       I run my hand through my hair and stare out the window. It's raining, it's been raining for days now. I don't think the sun actually shines in Cokeworth.

             "What if destroying these horcruxes doesn't go how we think?"

                          He tilts his head. "I don't know what you mean?"

       "Alright well they may kill Voldemort," I huff. "But what if they do more than that? And can you imagine how this is going to affect Mal?"

       He moves his hand up to my face and we make eye contact. "Malory will be okay, Aary. She knows this needs to be done."

       I stay quiet because I know no matter what I say he's going to respond the same. And he may be right but my gut feeling says otherwise.

         "I love you," He says while kissing my forehead. "This will all be over soon, alright?"

                         "I love you too, and I know."

           He smiles at me before pressing our lips together.

      Lately, I always feel sick. There's a constant weight on my shoulders and I never know if the next day is going to be our last. But in this little moment, I feel okay. Little moments like this are the reason we're all still alive.

Draco's POV

      Once nighttime hits the four of us leave Spinner's End and apparate to the dark streets of Wiltshire. Greyback sent an owl earlier informing us of a meeting taking place this evening. That's when we decided tonight is perfect for trying to get to Nagini.

           "So while Z and I are distracting the Death Eaters," Aary starts. "Mal, you're going to talk to your dad and Draco, you're going to find Nagini?"

        Malory nods and I do the same. I don't know why I've been given the responsibility of killing a fucking snake, but whatever.

     My biggest worry for all of this is that something is going to go wrong when Mal sees her dad. Who knows how he feels after everything that happened the last time we were here.

             "Do you know what you're going to say to him?" I ask her.

              She shrugs delicately. "I'll think of something when we arrive."

      Not even a few minutes later, we're all standing directly in front of the manor. And looking down at us from one of the second floor windows is my mum.

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