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Malory's POV

     Apparating is still new to me and it is especially new to Aary, Draco, and Blaise. It doesn't help that Aary's stomach is all over the place, the second we get to Cokeworth she vomits into the bushes.

      The rest of the walk to Spinner's End is pretty much silent. Plus, it starts raining halfway there. Thankfully as soon as we get to the front door and knock, the door opens.

              "What is this?" Snape sighs as the four of us stare at him, miserably.

                         "Does the offer still stand?" I ask.

       He hesitates but eventually signals for us to get inside. The door slams aggressively behind him due to the wind.

        "This is weird, right?" Blaise whispers to Aary. "We're in Professor Snape's house-"

      Aary kicks his shin to get him to shut up but I still see Snape giving him an irritated glance.

            "I assume you're aware about your father's return then?" Snape asks Draco.

     Draco snaps back to reality and nods awkwardly. I notice him slowly walking over to the tray of whiskey but Snape quickly picks it up and takes it away.

          "Your father..." Snape trails off when he remembers Aary and Blaise.

                 "They know everything, it's okay." I tell him.

       He nods, then continues. "Your father, Malory, released Lucius because he is planning on holding a big meeting soon and wants all of the Death Eaters to attend."

     We all move to the sitting area of the home and get comfortable while Snape continues to explain what he has heard about the upcoming meeting. Apparently one of the things that is going to be discussed is Draco's progress with the cabinet.

         "Is it alright if we just stay here until then?" I ask. "I know we've just barged in here suddenly but-"

        "I thought I made it clear that you are welcome anytime?" He chuckles under his breath.

      Aary and Blaise give each other weird looks when they see Snape smile slightly and I roll my eyes. Draco doesn't join the conversation even once, he gets lost in the rain outside the window.

        "Well, it's getting late. I only have one spare bedroom, if any of you want to take it."

                    "That's alright, we can stay out here." I respond.

         Snape nods, then disappears down the hall into his bedroom. We all wait for his door to completely shut, then turn to each other.

         "All of us sleeping in the living room?" Blaise sighs. "Drac, looks like you and I are sleeping on the floor."

        When Draco doesn't reply again I look to see him still staring outside the window in deep thought. The blood on his cheek is now dried up and a bruise is starting to form.

                   "Hey." I say softly while taking a seat next to him on the sofa.

       He flinches when I rest my hand on his shoulder but relaxes immediately when we make eye contact.

              "Did you see where he put that alcohol?"

         I let out a defeated sigh before getting up and heading over to the pantry. I grab the bottle of whisky on the third shelf and four glasses, then take a seat back beside Draco.

                    "Isn't he going to get mad?" Aary asks, nervously.

         "Probably," I reply. "But I think that's the least of our worries right now."

        They all nod in agreement and each take a glass from me once I fill them halfway. And it starts as just a half-full glass of whiskey before bed, but turns into that we all expect; getting plastered.

                  "Snape is going to kill you, Draco." Aary giggles.

       He gives her an odd look. "Why me? Mal's the one that took the booze from the cabinet."

         "Yeah but she's his favorite," Blaise adds on. "Plus I'm pretty sure he knows about you two getting....intimate."

                  "Oh that's enough, Z." I snap sarcastically.

        Aary and Blaise both burst into laughter and nearly fall off of the sofa.

        "He doesn't know," Draco says while taking a sip from his drink. "If he did I'd already be dead."

        They all continue to make jokes about my relationship with Snape and how we act like a long lost father and daughter. As badly as I wish that was true, it's not.

              "It's Christmas Eve." Aary whispers while looking up at the clock.

        We all turn and see the fingers hitting 12. It doesn't even feel that late but it's probably because I napped on the train. I can tell the others are tired though, especially Draco. Once he gets an intense amount of alcohol in his system it doesn't take long for him to crash.

            "If you two want the sofa Draco and I can take the floor." I say to Blaise.

             "Are you sure?" He asks. "I don't mind-"

          "I'm sure." I interrupt him.

      I'd much rather sleep on the sofa but it's been a rough past few days. He deserves some time to just hold her.

        Blaise and Aary both snuggle up together and I grab a few pillows from the closet to make the floor more comfortable. When I return, Draco is already completely passed out on the floor with nothing covering him. In his hand is still the glass cup.

         I make sure to carefully remove it from his grasp then place a pillow underneath his head. The blanket isn't big enough for the both of us but I don't mind.

        Right as I'm about to close my eyes, I look up and see Aary smiling down at Draco and I. I know exactly what she's thinking and it makes me smile too.

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