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Song of the Chapter: My Tears Are Becoming a Sea by M83

Draco's POV

     Malory didn't even look at me once before we walked out the door. I know she wanted to, but it's almost as if she would feel guilty afterwards. She knew in that moment that things were going to go wrong.

      Aary, Blaise and I are silent, no one has said a single word. We don't ask where the trio might have gone or what we think is going to happen to Malory. We just start walking.

      They didn't get far and I know they didn't apparate. Weasley was too weak to do so which means they're somewhere in the woods. I start to take the lead but Aary pushes past Blaise and I immediately. The force in her arm movement takes me by surprise.

                      "Hey, what the fuck?" I snap.

      Aary doesn't respond, she just starts walking faster. I give Blaise a glare, but he just shrugs his shoulders.

                 "Aary, slow down." I huff. "We don't even know which way they went-"

      She raises her hand up as a way of telling me to shut my mouth, and I start to fight back but then I see what she's staring at. Potter, Granger, and Weasley.

       Slowly, I see Aary pull her wand from her pocket. I don't know what her plan is but I can already tell it's not fully thought out. But before Blaise and I can stop her, she shoots a spell in their direction.


       Instantly, Potter gets thrown to the ground. Granger and Weasley take cover behind the nearest rocks before trying to fight back. Blaise grabs Aary and pulls her out of the way of their blasts before they hit her at the last moment.

      With Aary and Blaise behind one tree, and me behind another, the three of us try to hit them with spells.

                  "That was a little uncalled for, don't you think?!" I shout at Aary.

                      "Yeah, well he's pissed me off too much lately!" She hisses.

     Weasley shoots a spell at my tree and it hits my arm, causing a stinging pain to fly through my bones. He tries to hit me a second time but I manage to knock him down.

      Granger is the last one that is standing. She throws spells after spells but doesn't hit any of us and I start to think it's on purpose. Maybe she's hoping to just scare us off.

       "There's no point!" Blaise hollers. "We should go back and say we didn't find them!"

      He's right, this is a waste of time and the only thing I can think about right now is what Malory is dealing with at the manor. But what happens if we go back and say we failed to find them? Would they believe us, or find some sort of punishment?

                         "Come on, let's just go!"

      I look back to Blaise and Aary, but this time one of them is missing. My eyes widen in fear when in my peripheral vision I see Aary running towards Granger.

                   "Aary, stop!" Blaise shouts.

     Granger flicks her wand multiple times and Aary blocks each spell like it's nothing. The close she gets to her, the faster she moves. Blaise and I start racing after her in hopes of avoiding a mess, but it's too late.

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