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Song of the Chapter: listen before i go by Billie Eilish

Draco's POV

      The meeting was one of the longest I've been to. As soon as The Dark Lord saw that locket dangling from the Death Eater's neck he had made up his mind on how to solve his problem; Malory would do it for him.

      I didn't want her to agree to it. Even with my father's cane bashing into my spine I wanted to tell her to refuse. But at the same time I know he wouldn't have stopped until he got what he wanted.

      Once Malory gave in, her father dragged her out of the room and left the rest of us with hundreds of questions. Snape took over for The Dark Lord and spent the next few hours going over the events that have taken place at Hogwarts. I tried to pay attention as much as possible but the only thing I could think about was where Malory went.

      The meeting ended around midnight. My father left the manor along with Snape, Bellatrix, and Greyback. As soon as my mum and I were alone she started checking my body for broken bones. She irritates the hell out of me when like this but I know this is the only thing keeping her sane right now; being a mother.

                          "Mum, that fucking hurts." I hiss.

      She lets go of my shoulder and shoots me a glare for cursing. I pull my suit jacket back over my body and sigh.

                      "I'm sorry, okay? I'm just tired."

      Her eyes stay locked on me for a long moment but eventually she gives up and leaves the drawing room. The second she's gone I regret treating her poorly, I forget how terrifying this house is alone.

      I sit in silence for what feels like days, watching the light from the stars twinkle on the wood flooring. Every small sound I hear makes my head turn towards the doorway. Eventually, footsteps slowly make their way down the hall and I realize it's not just my imagination.

        Instantly I get up from my chair and look over at Malory, who is completely defeated. There's no emotion on her face but I can see the blood and tears from here. I hurry to her side but make sure there's no one else around.

      Carefully, I wipe the blood from under her nose and smudged makeup under her eyes. I open my mouth to start asking questions but none of them come out. Each time I glance at the cuts on her cheek I lose my train of thought.

              "I don't-" She tries to hold back tears. "I don't know how to do what he's asking."

      She swallows the tears piling up in her throat and stares down at her feet. Hair falls in front of her face and I try to move it but she flinches.

                       "Whatever it is we'll find a way-"

       "It's not like that," She cuts me off. "Yes, we can find these horcruxes but what happens after that? This is a lot more than just killing Harry Potter."

                    I move my hand up to her face. "Then what is it?"

      Her lip starts to quiver as she gathers all of her thoughts. She has the answer in her head but she doesn't want to say it out loud.

                         "He wants to achieve immortality."  She whispers.

      My eyes grow big in terror as the thought of The Dark Lord being around for the rest of my life sticks to my brain. I've always fantasized about the day that he would pass, thinking about Malory and I finally being free. But in reality, that's not even a possibility.

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