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Trigger warning- Self harm

Draco's POV

        Christmas dinner has to be the absolute worst thing on the planet. I know most people actually enjoy their family members and look forward to things like this, but fuck that. All my family does is argue and make me feel like more of a piece of shit.

         It does help that Malory has been staying with us for Christmas the past few years, she makes it more fun. I remember last year we got super wasted right before mum put the food on the table. I kept cracking jokes and Mal almost choked on her food.

        You'd think because we have such a large house that we'd host some large dinner parties, but we don't. Maybe that's why I hate it so much, there's not enough people to make it interesting. It's me, mum, dad, my aunt, and Malory. And sometimes Bella doesn't even show up.

                           "Draco! Stop ignoring me."

       She's not wrong, I am ignoring her. But that doesn't mean it's anything personal, I just don't feel like getting up yet.

                "I know you don't want to get up but it's almost noon!"

     I don't know how Mal reads my mind like that, it's quite scary actually.

                          "Fine, I'll just open the door myself."

       Right as I hear the door unlock, I bury myself under the covers. Instantly, Malory places all of her body weight on top of me and I'm trapped. I've had Christmas with her since we were little and she's done this every year.

                        "It's Christmas, Drac!" She says happily.

                 I groan. "Are you trying to suffocate me?"

         I hear her giggle quietly. "You're the one that hid under the covers."

       Her hands pull back the comforter slightly and I see her blue eyes peeking over. I scrunch my eyebrows at her and roll over, causing her to lose her balance and fall onto the other side of the bed.

                        "Fine, then no presents for you."

       That's when I can't help but shoot straight up. "Presents?"

         She rolls her eyes but disappears into her room and when she comes back, she's holding a brand new bottle of fire whiskey with a red bow tied around the top.

                        "You know me so well."

         Malory smiles when I thank her and starts to head back into her room, but I stop her.

           "Not so fast." I say while yanking on her sleeve. "I didn't forget your present."

           Her eyes light up and she plops back down onto the bed with her legs crossed. I lean back and feel around for the small gift underneath my bed, then pull it out and push it over to her.

                             "What is it?" She asks.

            I give her a death stare. "Why don't you open it, you idiot."

               She laughs and starts pulling the bow off along with the parchment wrapped around it. When the paper is completely off, she turns it over and goes silent. I watch as her eyes read the title multiple times and her fingers trace the spine.

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