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{ J E S S I C A}

4 months later

I am now 7 months, and let me tell you I'm huge. In the begging of my pregnancy I was small but over the months I started expanding out of no where. Now I'm like a freaking hippo walking on two legs.

I was currently in my room getting ready to go to school.

Ahh school, the best four years of your life. where you will be judged by how you look and the place where people don't give a shit about you unless something happens.

Even though I'm 7 months I still go to school. I mean I didn't want to achieve what you achieve in a matter of a life time, my 16 year, no, I want something else to look forward in life.

Who am I kidding, I don't even know what I'm saying fuck school and fuck work.

Ugh fuck hormones.

I was currently stressing out on what to wear. I need to go shopping like ASAp.

I decided on

~ PINK sweatpants that was grey
~ a black t-shirt
~ the hoodie of the PINK sweatpants.

I was going to wear my black converse but I couldn't even bent down so I called Jonathan.

"JONATHAN, BABE" I screamed.

"Yeah" he said waking in.

"Can you put my shoes on" I said.

"You really can't bend down now could you" he said laughing.

"No shit Sherlock" I said.

He put my shoes on and I looked at my body mirror.

"Ugh, I look huge" I said

Jonathan came and put his arms around my wait and Leaned his head on my shoulder.

"You look perfect babe" he said.
"I can't believe that there are two little us inside of you" he said.

"I know, I love them and all but I just want them out like now" I said.

"Just hold tight babe" Jonathan said kidding my cheek.

"Jonathan, Jessica, breakfast is ready" yelled Amanda from downstairs.

"Leggo" I said.

We walked downstairs, well Jonathan walked I half walked half wobbled.

We had breakfast and said bye to Amanda and headed to school.

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Me and Jonathan walked into school.

The problem is that, las time we went to school I was 3 moths. Our school got shut down because the day I didn't come some killer decided to show up. So it has been closed for 4 months.

So that means that NO ONE knows that I'm pregnant.

I walked into school interlocked hands with Jonathan.

I took a breath and Jonathan noticed how nervous I was.

"Calm down babe, everything will be okay I'm here" he said rubbing my knuckles with his thumb.

That is something I love about him, just a simple action can calm over 100000 thoughts and feelings.

I walked in and EVERYONE'S eyes were on me.

Since Jonathan was a year older we had a totally different schedule besides lunch, free period and study hall.

I had global and he has history.
We got to my first period class.

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now