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Me and Jonathan (very drunk both) danced and talked and laugh for what seemed forever. He was just more than amazing.

His arms were on my waist, and mine were around his neck playing with the hairs at the nip of his neck. I couldn't take my eyes off of his.

He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. It was a smooth kiss that got intense. He stepped back, ending our kiss and grabbed my hand, that was still playing with his hair. He lead me upstairs and into a room.

He locked the door and we joined lips. He took of his shirt the slid of my dress, our lips never leaving each other. I unbuttoned his jeans and left him in his Calvin Klein boxers and me in my Victoria Secret bra and underwear that Tiffany made me buy. He unhooked by bra and took of my underwear and started pleasing me. We both took little breaks to catch our breaths. It was a magical night.


Sorry guys it's so short. I've been busy with finals. I'll make the chapters a little longer. please no hate! also can you leave me comment I feel like shity writer. I know I didn't exactly go into detail but yeah please comment and vote!

Love ya all 😘

- maddie

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