Gym surprise

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The day went by fast actually. I was heading to my last class, Spanish. I loved spanish but the only thing I hate about Spanish is that I sit across for the one and only Jonathan.

I walked in the room and was greeted by my Spanish teacher Ms.Perez

Ms.P: Hola Jessica Como estas? (hello Jessica how are you)

Me: Muy bien señora y used? (I'm good how about you)

Ms.P: Que bien, yo estoy Muy bien gracias. (great, I'm very well thank you)

With that I went to my seat.

Spanish was easy for my cause I'm Colombian. My mom was born in colombia but raised here so we talked mostly english, but with my grandmother and aunts they thought me Spanish.

I got to my seat and felt like someone was staring at me, I look back but there is nobody, great I must be going crazy.

As class started it went by fast, I just copied some notes on the board and some other things, so yeah.

The bell rang and it was time for volleyball practice. Yes I play volleyball. anyway it was in the gym today so I had my uniform in my gym locker.

I headed to my regular locker and put away all my books and my book bag, I just took my phone with me. I headed back to the gym. It seemed weird cause the hallways were packed but not as noisy as usual, that was when I realized that the jocks weren't around, that was weird!

I shrugged and continued waking to the gym. I got to the gym and my friends Nicole and Tatiana were stretching.

I'm captain, but they are always here earlier than anyone else, trust me I've tried to bet their timing it was either I got here that same time as they did or I got here after they did. I said hi to them and hugged each of them.

I got to the gym locker and took my uniform out and put in my phone and closed it. I went into one of the stalls and changed. I went back to my gym locker, put in my combination, put my clothing in and checked my hair and makeup in my mini mirror tightened my ponytail and closed my locker.

I got out of the bathroom and half the team was already here. Except for our coach. Coach John wasn't here and neither was his assistant Isabelle. That is weird cause they are always the first ones to be here. I said hi to the other girls and the ones that just had entered the gym. We were missing Vanessa but you know. I decided to wait for them for a while until I called them. While we waited I told the other girls just to start stretching. we started with push ups, butterfly stretch, jumping jacks and so on.

Half an hour passed and still no clue of coach John. I decided to call him. yes I have his number, but that is because he have it to me as captain for an emergency. this is an emergency.

I was getting up when I hear loud screams and sounds, that was when the jocks walked in, great! { note my sarcasm}!

I turned around and that was when I noticed that the whole team was behind me. I looked at Tiffany with a wtf face she responded with a "your the captain of the team". ugh.

The jocks wait no the football team was standing in front of me they were as quiet as us, but that was when Jonathan came out into the front.

"What the hell do you people think your doing here " it took me all the courage in the world to say that to Jonathan's face.

" We have things to discuss with coach John about Saturday's game. What are you people doing here?" he responded

I wanted to snap back but I knew I I did I would me up saying something I know I will regret, so I calmed my self. Ater a few seconds of calming down I responded

" Well we have practice with coach John today so fuck of, go running back to your field or whatever you call that, cause the gym is ours today !" I tried so hard bit to snap but I couldn't contains my self.

He just looked at me with an eyebrow up. one of the others football players yelled out

" Jonathan careful she is a feisty one"!

I just rolled my eyes. Thank goodness that was when coach John walked in.

" Okay team sorry I'm laaa.... " he looked up and saw the volleyball team on half court and the football team on the other half. He had a surprised look.

" Coach do you mind if we could have a small chat in your office" I said with a fake cheesy smile.

"Sure" said coach John. I was about to explode at him.

We walked into his office and the whole throwing a fit started.

" Coach John, why is the football team here we can't have practice with them, the team won't like that and as team captain I don't see a reason for them to stay. So make them leave!"

He didn't say anything instead walked out and called Jonathan, this day gets better and better!

Jonathan's POV:

I was in the football field getting everything and everyone together to go to the gym. coach John said that today we could work on some pointers that would help us for Saturday's big game. the team and I got everyone ready and headed for the gym.

We walked into the gym and their were a bunch of girls, we started making noise. that was until she turned around. she looked so stunning. Her brown hair in a pony tail and she was in her volleyball uniform which fit her perfectly it made her look good. she was standing there with the volleyball team behind her. I saw that she turned around and I couldn't help but look at how good her butt looked in those shorts, I walked up to the front and heard one of the girls say " your the team captain". WAIT HOLD UP! Jessica, the girl I hooked up with that night I got drink, the girl I've felt something for since freshman year, is captain of the volleyball team! that make it 100x better!

She turned around and said
"What the hell do you people think your doing here "

The way she put her hands on her hips to prove a point it just idk turned me on.

" We have things to discuss with coach John about Saturday's game. What are you people doing here?" I responded

It took her a while to respond.

" Well we have practice with coach John today so fuck of, go running back to your field or whatever you call that, cause the gym is ours today !"
Ouch. that one hurt

I just looked at her with my right eyebrow up. one of the others football players yelled out

" Jonathan careful she is a feisty one"!
As always we have Josh making comments like always. That was when coach John walked in, he was surprised?

Jessica wanted to talk to him so they went into his office. it was awkward! the volleyball team went into their own little circle and so did we and that was until coach John called me.


Hey guys!! ok deal is I'll TRY to update every day but for sure you know that on Saturdays THERE WILL BE you guys

~ maddie 😘

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