I hate you!

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"Hey honey, I was just gonna make us lunch. You hungry"

"Umm.... Not really" I responded

"Oh okay, you were looking for me."

"Yeah I want to tell you something, "

"What's up honey.?" She asks sitting across the island from me, looking at me in the eyes. I tried not to make eye contact with her.

"Mom ...... I'm ........ P-p-preg- pregnant

Jessica's POV:

She just stared at me with a blank face. After I told her, anger was written all over her.

"What the fuck Jessica, your 16 and fucking pregnant. how could you I have raised you better that this. you 16, your supposed to party, have fun get good grades not freaking have unprotected sex and have a fucking baby." she screamed.

She stood up and as she screamed out to me she got closer and closer, I kept backing up until I hit a wall.

"You are having an abortion Jessica, I'm not going to deal with you." she screamed into my face

Tears started running down my face.

"No, no mother! I'm not going to kill a freaking baby because you decided to. its my fucking life and I'll do what I want to with it." I screamed. tears running down my face

I opened my mouth to say something, when *smack!

My mother slapped me across the face.

I put my hand up to my cheek and screamed out

"I hate you, I fucking hate you!" I ran upstairs and grabbed one of my volleyballs totes.

I packed everything I could clothing, phone, iPad, chargers, hair stuff, makeup and more clothing. there was a picture of me and my mom I grabbed it and threw it on the floor, making glass shatter everywhere. I looked around my room to see if I was missing anything. I grabbed a poster of my wall that was full of pictures of me Vanessa and Tiffany. I rolled it up and stocked it into my bag. I ended up with one of my volleyball bag, one of my old school roller bags and a small hand free bag.

I opened the window of my balcony and threw off my bags, then I grabbed onto a rope I had tied around the balcony. it was there because when we were little tiff and Vanessa used to come over when I was grounded or when it was too late and they would climb through my window. I guess we never took it down.

I slid down grabbed my bags and headed down the rode, with no idea where I was going.


Hey guys. I finally updated. I've been having a writers block so I have no idea how to continue this story, so I'll be taking a little brake from this. I'm so sorry I know you guys will understand. it's not edited, sorry. and go read my other book please. everything has changed. ily guys.

Till next time

Maddie 😘

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now