Some things never change

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2 year later

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Ashton and Cassidy happy birthday to you" we all sang.

Today was Ashton and Cassidy's second birthday.

They grow up so fast.

The back yard is currently decorated in pink and blue and pictures of Ashton and Cassidy Hang here and there.

We invited over some of Jonathan's family members that came on vacation that i met during Christmas last year. we also invited Tiffany and Vanessa, oh how I miss them.

I was currently cutting the cake and serving pieces.

"Girllll" I heard two voices that I haven't heard in a while.

"TIFF VANESSA" I said putting the cake cutter down and hugging them.

"Oh my god you girls got tall" I told them.

They laughed.

"You need any help" asked Vanessa.

"Yeah, you could just help me cutting and serving" I said.

Once we finished we decided to sit on the backyard porch.

I looked and saw Jonathan playing with the kids and his Niece.

Yeah his niece. We talked with Charlotte, she came down she wanted to meet me and the kids. we got it off really well.

"Here you go darling" said Tiffany.

She handed me a mug it was a mug of iced coffee.

Tiffany is the best when it comes to making iced coffee.

"Thanks tiff" I said taking a sip just like I remember.

"Remember when we would sleep over at Tiff's house and around 12 we would sneak into the kitchen To make iced coffee nobody put us to sleep that night" she said well laughed at the memory.

"Or that weekend that Vanessa's parents were out of town so she stayed with me and Tiffany would sleep over the whole weekend. I still haven't gotten my sleep from that weekend" I said.

We all laughed.

We were taking about our senior year and memories.

Turns out they are both sophomore in college. Tiffany works at a Starbucks and lives in Manhattan (a/n; I forgot where they lived so they live in NewYork now) Vanessa is working at a daycare center her mom owns in queens. they are so grown up *tear.

I looked over and saw Jonathan running it more like walking fast behind him cause he was going to catch him. I looked around and saw Charlotte had Cassidy.

I looked back at Jonathan, I smiled. I love him. he was so caring to me and to the kids.

I think I zoned out cause then I saw Tiffany saying my name a couple of times.

"Some things never change don't they" she said chuckling.

"I guess not" I said looking at her and back at Jonathan.

"So JESSICA tell us how your life is" said Vanessa crossing her legs.

"Well I'm currently taking online school. I'm also in my sophomore year of college, I'm studying to be a phycologist. as you could tell we are still living with Jonathan's mom and he is working at the garage a few blocks from here but he is also taking online school to become a doctor." I said I smiled proudly about my boyfriend.

"You know I kind of expect of him to pop the question" said Tiffany nudging my side.

"Yeah me too" said Vanessa taking a sip of her coffee.

"To be honest I don't know. I mean I'm only 17 and he is 18. we are still living with his mom I think we are still waiting to be you know more stable o guess" I said taking a sip of my coffee.

We talked until I felt little pair of hand in my leg.

"Mommy, mommy" I looked down and it was cassidy.

Behind her was Charlotte.

"She was getting fussy so I was guessing she was tired, I was going to put her down but she wanted you" she said while I picked cassy up and put her on my lap.

"Yeah it's her nap time actually it's both of theirs but I think Jonathan will put Ashton to sleep. thank you C for everything" I said.

She smiled and nodded.

It was starting to get late.

"Okay well I'm going to start heading home have a big day tomorrow" she said.

She had a huge ting at her job that could really help her move up her position to manger. Charlotte moved here from LA and lives in an apartment in Manhattan we love in long Island. She works at Charlotte Russe ironic right. but anyway yeah.

"Okay well it is getting late. thank you for coming all the way down here C and thank you for everything" I said giving her a smile huh since I had Cassidy still on my lap.

"Anytime, hey if you and Jonathan need a babysitter or something call me, and if he is being stupid it something call me too I'm probably smack some sense into him." she said chucking.

"Okay I will" I did chuckling.

She said her goodbyes to Tiffany and Vanessa.

Just like that everyone Started leaving one by one.

"Hey guys I'm going to put Cassidy to sleep." I said

"Say bye to auntie tiff and Vanessa" I said to Tiffany.

She waved.

Tiffany and Vanessa kissed her cheek.

I go upstairs and take her a bath change her and put her to sleep.

"Goodnight baby girl" I said kissing we forehead and tucking her in.

I go across the room to see Ashton asleep.

I kissed his forehead.

I grabbed the baby monitor and turned it on so in case they wake up which I doubt I could hear them.

I go back outside but I grabbed a blanket cause it was starting to get cold.
I go outside and see Jonathan already sitting and talking with the girls.

"Guys remember in 9th grade we all went to the lake house upstate and at night we would lay down and look at the stars" I said .

"Yeah we should do that again" said Tiffany.

"Hold that thought" I said

I went back inside grabbed more blankets and handed it to them.

We laid them down on the grass and just laid down and watch the stars.

I cuddled up against Jonathan.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you more" I said

"Impossible" he said.

"Yep some things never change" said Tiffany.

We laughed.

We laied down in silence. a comfortable silence.

Some things never change.


Heyyy guys.

Okay this is the last chapter of 16 and pregnant


I am making a sequel.

It's going to be called,

A step ahead.

So I'll be staring that soon .

Till next time

~maddie 😘

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