I Told Him..

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Today was the day. The day to tell Jonathan that I was p-pregnant. I can't even say the god damn word.

Saying I was nervous was understandable.

I woke up this morning and did the usual morning sickness. I took a shower and got dressed. I decided on faded jean shorts, a Hemings t shirt and my white converse. I made my way downstairs, there was a note on the counter and said

Had an early shift

Xoxo mom

The only thing is that when my mom has an early shift she get home before I end school, so when I get home she is here.

I grabbed a bowl, corn flakes cereal and milk. I had my breakfast grabbed my bag and books and headed to school.

On my way to school I kept thinking on how I was going to tell Jonathan. So many questions were going through my head, you have no idea.

The ride to school was too short. In no time I was parked in the school parking lot. I breathed in and out, I stayed in my car for a few minutes. I grabbed my bag and binder and got out of my car. I locked it and started heading to the building.

Today is the day.

As I walk towards the entrance I see Jonathan flirting with the one and only captain of the cheerleading team, Chelsea.

Chelsea was your typical cheerleader. Blonde, blue eyes and tanned. She was from LA so no mystery there. She is alway caked in makeup and would wear the shortest clothing that she could find. she would get into the pants of any guy that gets in her way. In other words she was the slut cheerleader of the school.

I headed over to them, slowly, very slow. breathing in and out. I was shaking horrible. it was now or never. right?!

I got over to them and Chelsea gave me a death glare.

"Um... H-hey Jonathan can I talk to y-you in p-private?" The words came out of my mouth.

"Yeah sure, um babe I'll talk to you later" with that he kissed Chelsea in the cheek and Chelsea left.

I'm not going to lie I did feel horrible when he called Chelsea babe, but then I felt someone stab me in the Chest when he kissed her cheek.

" Hello??" I was brought back to reality by Jonathan's hand waving in front of my face.

" O-oh sorry" I responded

I'm so stupid!

"So what is so important that you had to ruin my girlfriend time?"

He asked raising his left eyebrow. okay now I'm officially dead.

" A) I'm sorry to interrupt your girlfriend time but this is way important and b) you don't talk to a girl like that" I responded

He just rolled his eyes.

" Are you gonna tell me or not!" he snapped

"Jonathan I'm p-preg-pregnant" I was able to say half of the word.

Jonathan just stood there with shock written all over his face and his jaw almost hitting the floor.

" Please please don't tell me it's mine" he answers still shock and rubbing the back of his neck.

"It is" I said

"How do you know, exactly" he asked with a hint of hope in his eyes.

" Cause your the only guy I have ever has sex with" I answered the last part being more of a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.

" No, no, no, shit" was all he answered

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked

"Actually Jessica there was never an us and there will never be an us, whatever we had its over. I'm not dealing with this baby shit. I'm 17 and I have a future looking forward with football scholarships and colleges. A fucking baby will just ruin all of this. I'm sorry Jessica but I'm not going to be a dad at 17 you could manage being a mom at 16 but I'm not going to deal with this shit", and with that he walked into school.

I couldn't believe this. I grabbed my things and ran back to my car. I let it all out. I sobbed and cried my eyes out. I'm going to be a single 16 year old mother. my life is great it's fucking great.


Holla my good people. so the contest is still on and it will end next week. I'll be uploading ever two day since I was finally able to get my iPad fixed (yey) and I have so much more time to upload.

I decided that

Jessica will be Josie Loren

Jonathan will be Zane Holtz.

Vanessa will be Chelsea Hobbs

Tiffany will be Ayla Keeler

please follow me on






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Love ya,

Maddie 😘

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now