Here goes nothing

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2 years later:


I'm nervous was an understanding, I was terrified you could say.

I was going to ask Jessica to marry me today.

We've had our ups and downs out bumps in the road the past 5 years.

There was a time Jessica thought I cheated on her cause Chelsea took my phone while practice and since my phone didn't have a passcode she texted herself and made a conversation with herself to make it seem like I was flirting with her. we took a break for about 2 weeks. And could I say those two weeks were the worst ones in my life. but then Tiffany found out it wasn't true cause she overheard Chelsea talking with her minions

Long story made short of it weren't for Tiffany and Vanessa I wouldn't be getting ready to purpose to my souls mate.

We did move out. we have our own house with the twins and life is great.

"Daddy Daddy" I heard my five year old day while running up to me in his tux..

"You look really handsome" he told me as I picked him up

I was wearing my tux with a coral bow tie.

"You too buddy you think mommy will like the surprise" I asked fixing his bow tie with my free hand.

"I think she'll wove it" I laughed kissed his cheek and put him down.

"Ash go get Cassidy please" I asked so I could talk to her.

"Okay daddy" he said he went running back to find her.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I took the ring and looked at it.

This is it.

I put it in my pocket when I hear Cassidy's voice.

"Daddy, Awshton said you wedded me" she said running up to me.

"Yeah baby girl," I said.

"You know what to do right." I asked her.

"Wep, I will hold the weally bwig pwicture and and I'll tell mommwy to follow me. then I'll take her to the weally pretty weally long car" she said.

So this was the plan.

Cass will be holing a picture of when she was pregnant and we started dating. she will lead her to the Limo. and no she will not be left alone my mom is here.

Then in the limo that one of my closest friends jack will be driving.

He"ll ask her where was our first date.

Then from the place Ashton will be holding a picture of when the twins were born. he will lead her to Tiffany which isint really far just a few steps.

Then Tiffany will lead her to the Ferris week where Vanessa will be.

Then Vanessa will make sure that she gets on the Ferris wheel. once she reaches the top it will stop and a fire works are going to erupt. to catch her attention.

Once I got her attention

I will fire the one that says "will you marry me Jessica"

I just hope it all goes well.

"Daddy daddy mommy outside." came Cassidy trying to whisper.

"Okay baby girl go with Tiffany" I said

Here goes nothing

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now