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" Ok now, the football team you could start your game" Coach John said.

It's the football team and were going to watch them. I was sitting on the benches outside and I had a really bad urge to pee. So I went to the bathroom. I enter the bathroom and right behind me enters Nicole.

"Hey gurl!" said Nicole

"Hey Nicole. what's up?" I responded

"Nothing just waiting to see hot guys playing football" she responded with a smile

I just rolled my eyes and enters the bathroom.

As me I enter a stall and Nicole enters the one next I hear Nicole whisper "shit"

"What happened" I asked

"Well it looks like I got my period" she responded

"Do you have a pad in your bag or something?"

"No, I'm not on my per.....iod"

I was supposed to get it weeks ago but I didn't.

Wait a second.......

Morning sickness

Really hungry

Urge to pee a lot

Missed my period

No no no no I can't be pregnant at 16!

I didn't even wait for Nicole's response I just got organized and rushed out of the bathroom, headed to my Locker and dashed to my car. I drove to the pharmacy at the corner of my house, parked and I went running in. I went to the pregnancy aisle and got like 5 pregnancy tests. I went to check out.

The check out lady was in her late what we call late teen years. she gave me a look like well the look, and I tell her that it was for my sister and she just wants to make sure. I paid and rushed down to my house.

I opened the front door and my mom wasn't there, ( thank god)! she gets out of the house at 10am and gets home around 12:30pm.

I 'rocked climb' the stairs and headed into my bathroom. I opened every single box there was and did as it said, I peed on the sticks.

As I waited for the results I was in the corner of my bathroom curled up in a ball. There were so many questions running through my head so many thoughts.

what will my friends think? how will my mom react? What will Vanessa and Tiffany think? but the one question bugging me the most was HOW WILL I TELL JONATHAN?

I was snapped back to reality with a beep sound and that was the exams notifying that they were ready. I wasn't ready.

I flipped the sticks one by one




There were nothing but positives. I WAS 16 AND PREGNANT!

I fell to the floor and balled my eyes out. I needed to tell someone before I tell Jonathan or my mom. I decided to call Tiffany.

T: hey girrl what's up?

J: t-iff.

T: Jessica what's wrong

J: I-I'm p-pre-gran-t

That almost didn't come out of my mouth after I told Tiffany I just cried and sobbed

T: ssshhh it's going to be okay I'll be over in 2.

With that she hanged up. and 2 minutes later I hear a knock on my door and Tiffany walk in.

I was still on the floor, Tiffany sits next to me and wraps me into a huge. I'm so thankful to have friends like Tiffany and Vanessa. Vanessa had tutoring so I didn't want to bother her.

"You know what?!" said Tiffany

"What" i asked clearing my eyes from tears I had.

" Why don't we spend the rest of the night here watching chick flicks and eating ice cream, that should get your mind of things for a little bit" she decided

"Okay Jessica?" she asked

"Okay"i said

I was really super duper thankful to have someone like Tiffany. she went downstairs and grabbed the ice cream spoons and a bunch of candy while I put on Netflix.

The whole night we just stayed watching white chicks, 21 jump street, pretty little liars and many other things.

I was having a good time when Tiffany asked something I knew that was gonna be asked sooner or later.

"When are you going to tell Jonathan?"

I answered with a "wait how do you know that it was Jonathan?"

"Well you were a virgin before we went to Jonathan birthday party. when the party was over me and Vanessa were going home cause it was really late so we looked all over the house for you, thinking you were passed out somewhere, until we searched in the room. we walked in on you and Jonathan cuddling with clothing all over the place. so me and Vanessa left you there." she responded

"Wait so you knew this the whole time and you didn't tell me that you knew?" I asked

"Well you see I was going to tell you but the next day you acted like nothing happened so I played along, but I'm really sorry" she apologized

"I accept your apology but don't keep things like that away from me"

She just smiled. And then asked "when are you going to tell him?"

"Tbh idk, mabey tomorrow at school."

"Okay" with that we went to sleep.


Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating in forever but yeah. thanks for the 100 reads let's see if we could get it higher. I love you all I'll be updating ASAP and I made this longer yeaaaa. Also please follow me on the links below👇. Love you all.


I am having a contest whoever could do me the best cover page for this story gets to be in the book { however character they want } and gets to have the cover dedicated to them { cause they made it} but anyway direct message me your cover and I'll be choosing.

It has to in include:

-my username: madeline15448

- your username: made by:.......

- And Jessica in it

(Jessica could be whoever you want it to be but she has to have brown hair and brown eyes.)

You'll be able to direct message me on



Twitter 💙:




Love you all


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