Never Ending Love

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I looked at my reflection through the mirror once more. I can't believe I'm doing this.

In less then 20 minutes I'm going to be married to my best friend, to the guy that has been my crush since freshman year, the father of my two adorable children.

"you ready jess" said my mom.

I looked away from the mirror to look at her, she had tears down her cheeks.

"oh mom please done cry" I said giving her a really tight hug.

"I'm sorry, it's just that your getting married" she said.

I laughed and I felt a few tears rolling down my eyes.

my mom wiped them away.

"you've grown to be such a beautiful women, you're an amazing mom, you've always have been a perfect daughter, and you'll be a heck of a good wife." she said laughing at the last part, I laughed with her.

"thank you mom, for everything" I hugged her.

Then the song came on.

The one song that would change everything.

"it's time baby girl, God bless you" my mom said as she kissed my forehead and opened the church doors.

yeah everyone had gone before me, the bridesmaids, which were Tiffany, Vanessa and Charlotte being my maid of honor. Then the guys each one with their Girlfriend's, and Jonathan's best man was John, they have been best friends since high school.

then my 7 year old daughter, Cassidy was the flower girl, with my 6 year old sister, and my 7 year old son, Ashton was the ring barrier.

then it was a I.

I was wearing a white ball gown dress that reached the floor.

I felt like Cinderella.

as soon as I came out, all I could see was Jonathan.

His reaction was priceless, I should've recorded it but I mean, I was walking down the isle but eh w.e.

out eyes met and they didn't leach each other.

I got up to the stage and faced Jonathan.

"we are gathered together on this beautiful day to share with Jessica and Jonathan as they exchange vows for their everlasting love."

*says a bunch of things but I zone out starring at Jonathan's eyes*

"Jessica Grace James do you take Jonathan Garcia to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? will you Cherish him as long as you both shall live"

"I do"

"Jonathan Garcia, do you take Jessica Grace James to be your lovely wife, your partner in life and your one true love? will you cherish her as long as you both shall live"

"I do"

"with the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, to you may kiss the bride"

"with that Jonathan grabbed me by the waist and dipped me while a kiss."

"this kiss was different than all the others. it was a kids full of passion and grace, a kiss that yo I felt had no ending, a kiss that felt like it was infinite.

now that I come to notice, the kiss is a symbol of our love for each other, it's infinite.


OMG I crises doing this last chapter.
I can't believe I finished my book. I hoped you guys enjoyed it. thank you to the readers hat have stuck with me since the begging, like the very very begging, like when I only had 20 reads. thank you for all the readers that stood around my breaks and the days k wouldn't update. I love you all so so so so so much.

this is it for Jessica and Jonathan.

one last time.

till next time 😘

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