My house?

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" So what's up with all the bags jess?" he asked while he stopped our kiss and starring at the bag.

"Oh ummm.......

Oh lord, what do I tell him. okay Jessica calm down.

I guess I zoned out cause Jonathan was waving his hand in front of my face.
"Jessica, what's up with all the bags?" he asked, now he has worried all over his face while he hold unto my hands.

"I told my mom that I was pregnant. she didn't take it w-well. she kept saying on how I'm s-sixteen and I shouldn't be pregnant."

I was with tears in my eyes now.

"Then s-she said that I n-need to get an a-abortion. I got mad at her and t-told her that I'm not having an abortion. the she, she s-slapped me"

I couldn't hold it anymore. tears of anger, tears of sadness. everything I've been holding in since the news just came flowing right out me.

That was when I felt a finger under my Chin.

Jonathan lifted my head up and wiped away my tears.

"Jess, who cares what your mom says. so let me guess you ran away?" he asked how stroking his thumb on my checks

I nodded

"And you don't have anywhere to go" he sighs

I was starting to lower my head, by he grabbed my Ching and lifted it up again.

"Jessica, no matter what happens you can't let you tiara fall." he said looking down at me.

I smiled and I felt my cheeks burn a little.

"Tiara?" I pretended to be confused but I know what he meant

"Yes a tiara. I tiara I put on you signifying that your my princess. and no matter what happens that tiara isint going to fall".

I didn't expect that. 😵

I grabbed his checks and kissed him softly on the lips.

"How about we get into my car and see what we could do. yeah?"

"Yeah" I said smiling

I grabbed my bags and we started walking to his car. I put my stuff in his trunk. and sat in the passenger seat.

"So what are you going to do now jess?"

Tbh I love his nickname for me.

"Idk, Jonathan, I don't want to disturb Vanessa's or tiffany's family by showing up pregnant. I guess I'll have to get a job and see if I could raise a least for a room" I sighed

"Jess, look at me" Jonathan said I looked at him

"As long as your mine you aren't going to work." he said looking deep into my eyes

"But if I don't work how could I afford an apartment?"

"You won't need to"

I looked at him confused.

"There is an extra room at my house. you could stay there. I'll do anything to be with you and for you not need to work. Jess your a month and a half old. Im starting to see our precious baby. your in no shape to work. your staying with me."

"What about your mom? I don't think Ms.Perez (A/N: his mom was the spanish teacher, that is her maiden name) will be too happy about it." I said looking at the road.

"I'll handle my mom. your staying with me and that is final."

He stroked my left cheek and made eye contact.

"Okay?" he asked
"Okay." I smiled

He leaned in and kissed me. he let go and started the car.


We are parked in Jonathan's driveway.

My palms are sweating. I rubbed them against my shorts. Jonathan got out trough his side, jogged around the car and opened my side.

"Such a gentlemen" I said with a chuckle

"Well I try" he said with a bow

I just laughed.

Jonathan opened the door and yelled out.

"Mom, I'm home".

Mrs.Perez came out of the kitchen.

"Hola Jonathan and Jessica?" she said looking up at me.

"Hey mom, Jonathan" said kissing her cheek.

"Hola Ms.perez" I said standing there.

"Oh honey. no outside of school call me Amanda. what brings you here" she asked smiling

Jonathan was now besides me
I looked at Jonathan he could tell I was nervous, so he started talking.

"Well mom we need to talk to you."

"Okay then let's sit then".

I sat won't Jonathan besides me and Amanda in front of us. Jonathan rubbed my knee for comforts. it helped a little.

"Well mom you see Jessica is pregnant. and its mine"



Anyway. hope you guys are enjoying my story. I need to know what you guys want the baby to be



Thanks you so so much for all the reads and the voting I love you guys.

Till next time

~maddie 😘

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now