Being Convinced

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Please with a cherry on top!" Screamed Tiffany right in my face.

"No" I responded

"Com'on" said Vanessa

I loved Vanessa and Tiffany with all my heart but, when it comes to something they want, you better choose wisely! They really wanted to go to Jonathan's party, but I just wanted to stay in, finish studying and doing homework.

"girls I would love to go but I have homework," I said trying to convince them.

But knowing them as long as I knew them, I knew there was a but coming in,

wait for it,

wait for it

"but it is Friday" they screamed out.

And there It is. I gave in and said

"fine we'll go"

they both screamed out making me almost loose my hearing.

We all decided to go in the same thing. A strapless dress that got up to mid thigh.

Vanessa was a light lemon green, with a white belt, she wore white heals and white Accessories and had a white with a mix of green eyeshadow and wore her long hair that got up little bit lighter at the bottom with gentle curls at her tips.

Tiffany had the same dress but she had a darkish red with A black belt and black heels and black with red accessories she had a red with black sparkles eyeshadow, and her black hair loose but her bangs clipped to the side.

I had the same dress but in black with no belt. Black shoes and smokey eye eyeshadow. I left my brown hair loose completely And my tips were just a little darker than the top of my hair. My tips were like a chocolate kind.

We got our things and headed out the door, and into my black BMW. When we got there you could hear the music from blocks away, I decided to park a few blocks from the house because I cared too much for my car too have guys leaving bottles on it and people making out on it.


Hello person.

Thank you for reading my book 16 and pregnant. please





Maddie 😘

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