Mission with a suprise

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Jessica POV:

I finished grabbing my bags. I was so excited. I was walking in when I heard that Jonathan and his mom were talking. I couldn't hear anything but mumbling.

I got closer and closer. Then I heard. " I won't mom. I.... I love her" I gasped a little to myself

Jonathan loves me. do I love him back? I don't know.

I walked in and Jonathan and ms.perez looked at me.

"Well here is my stuff and where should I go?" I asked pretending like nothing happened.

Jonathan sighed in relief.

"Oh honey. the room is upstairs, down the hall second room to the left." ma.perez said with a small smile.

"Grasias ms. I mean Amanda. thanks you for everything"i said.

"No problem honey" she smiled

I grabbed my stuff and headed upstairs.

I got to my room. it was a sailor blue with a white Horizontal line going across. A queen sized bed placed in the middle. And it had a walk in closet and its own bathroom.

I was looking around my back to the door.

"You know we could always paint it" Jonathan said from the door making me jump in surprise.

"Oh you scared me" I smiled. he chuckled and walked over to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and located his head on top of my shoulder in between my neck and my shoulder.

"No I don't want to paint it, it's perfect". I smiled

Jonathan smiled and kissed my cheeks and let go. I was kind of sad not to be in his touch.

"So o came up here to help you unpack" he said rubbing his hands together.

"Unpack? Really? Or is that an excuse to come to my room?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He just laughed. "oh it's your room now". I laughed and he grabbed me my my legs and put me over his shoulder.

"Jonathan NO NO" I tried to be serious but that failed.

"Jonathan put me down." I laughed slightly punching his back.

"Say Jonathan is the best boyfriend in the world and he is sexy". I just laughed, so hard.

"No, let me down," I couldn't control my laughter.

"Say it!" He said laughing also.

"Fine fine. Jonathan is the best boyfriend in the world" I said laughing with tears in my eyes

"You forgot one part" he said.
"he's sexy" he put me down laughing.

"You know Jonathan you should've left me up there longer, I would've throw up on your shoulder." I said smiling

"Ewwww Jess" he said laughing.

"Let's get unpacking shall we" Jonathan said.

We finished unpacking the little I had.

"Well that was hard work" I said pretending to swipe swear of my forehead.

"To tell you the truth Jess, I though you were going to have more". he said wrapping his arms around my waist, facing me.

"Well everything I have is at my mom's house and I don't want to go back there." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well you do need the rest of your clothing jess." he said

"I know but it's all over there and God knows what the women would do to me if she ever saw me again" I said feeling a year going down my cheek. Jonathan rubbed my cheek.

"I have an idea. is your mom home?" He asks with his hand still on my check.

I checked the digital clock on the drawer. 8:39pm.

"No she is working." I said

"Okay then. let's dress up in a black. let's go to your mom house. go to your room and finish packing around what time does she get home?" He asks

"9:00 pm" I said.

"Perfect. well have enough time to clean out your room." he said with a proud smile.

"Are you sure about this Jonathan." I asked worried

"Yeah I am" still smiling proud of his idea.

"Okay then let's get this show on the road."

Jonathan went to his room to get ready. I put on a black t-shirt with a black cardigan since it was chilly, black sweat pants and black boots. I ask do added a black beanie. Jonathan came out wearing a black t-shirt black sweatpants black sneakers and a beanie.

"Ready?" He asked interlocking my hand.
"Ready!" I said.

We made it on the way to my house. I climbed the rope that I had attached to my porch.

I looked at my room. the room I've lived in for 16 years. a few tears were shed. I packed everything. Trophies, pictures, posters, clothing and e.t.c. we had like 4 boxes. I had finished and had climbed down with the last box. Jonathan helping me.

I guess we took longer than expected cause I saw a pear of head lights coming through.

"Get down" Jonathan whispered. I did as told. we were on the side of the house so the garage was on the other side.

My mom had gotten out of the car and I saw a second shadow. mabey I was going crazy. she walked into the house. me and Jonathan crawled to the car. I was about to get in when I saw a second figure.

"Hold up Jonathan." I said

"What's up Jess" he said with worrie

"There is someone else in there besides my mom" I asked suspiciously.

"You want to go and check" he said

"Yeah" I said getting out of the car.

I was getting closer to the window until I was able to see the back of the stranger clearly.

He turned around.



Hey loves.

Well what you guys think. I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting I've been dealing with some things at school so yeah. I know I promised for chapters so expect those this week. I'll try to update them everyday. what do you guys think of my writing I feel like a bad writer. keep commenting liking and voting. I love you all

~maddie 😘

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