Im In Love With You ❤️

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Jessica's POV:

After leaving the school I came back and thankfully my mom wasn't home. I was a mess.

I came home and all I did was cry, cry and cry. after a good 3 hours of crying. I was able to get up from my lazy ass and get ice cream. I pretty much cried, had ice cream and watched re-runs of 16 and pregnant. all that ran through my mind is that, that will be me soon.

That as until my phone stated ringing. ugh I don't want to talk to anyone. Fuck the world and the people in it.

My phone wouldn't stop ringing so I got pissed and grabbed it. It was an unknown number so I decided to answer it cause it may have been important.

(J:Jessica jj: Jonathan)

J: hello? who is this

JJ: Jessica?! it's Jonathan


J: what the fuck do you want? I thought you made it clear that you don't give a shit about me or more important this baby. you only care about your self centered bitch you call girlfriend and your fucking self. I don't need you too rub it in my face anymore than you did already. so why don't you go fuck your self.

With that I hanged up. give that jerk a peace of my mind.

Jonathan's pov:

J: what the fuck do you want? I thought you made it clear that you don't give a shit about me or more important this baby. you only care about your self centered bitch you call girlfriend and your fucking self. I don't need you too rub it in my face anymore than you did already. so why don't you go fuck your self.

And with that she hanged up.


But I wasn't going to give up.

I called again.

And after what seemed liked 100000000 hours of non-stop rings she answered.

J: look I kn-

I cut her off

JJ: look Jessica I know that I was an ass to you. If it's an consolation, I broke it off with Chelsea. I figured it out that I like you and only you. Chelsea was just a distraction. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Jessica I love the way that you cover your face when you blush, the way that you aren't cake in makeup, or the little wrinkle your forehead gets when your serious, the way the you bite your lip when your concentrating or the way that you love tapping your nails against your phone case or the way your so passionate about volleyball. JESSICA JAMES IM IN LOVE WITH YOU.

The line was silent you could only hear her breathing. Then it went dead.

Oh Jessica James, what have you done to me!?

Jessica's POV:

JJ: look Jessica I know that I was an ass to you. and to too it all of I broke it off won't Chelsea. I figured it out that I like you and only you. Chelsea was just a distraction. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Jessica I love the way that you cover your face when you blush, the way that you aren't cake in makeup, or the little wrinkle your forehead gets when your serious the way you bite your lip shen your concentrating or the way that you love tapping your nails on your phone case or the way your so passionate about volleyball. JESSICA JAMES IM IN LOVE WITH YOU.

I Didn't know what to say. Both lines were silent. I felt like I was frozen. I was speechless. I hanged up and threw my phone across the room. And let out a scream.

You probably saying oh that, the father of your child is saying that he loves you, isint that what every girl wants.

No I don't want that. especially when it's Jonathan Garcia. He is the all time player. the one day with one girl and the next day with the other. he breaks your heart with a snap. he is the jock of the jocks and he is the well know as in my word screw-and-run. the only difference with me is that he tried to run but he couldn't. he is the one that messes up your feelings and messes with your emotions. I wasn't going to let him play with mine.

I laid on my bed.

I did something I haven't done. I talked to my baby.

"Hey there baby, boy or girl. I'm happy your going to come in my life. Happy that I get to be your mommy. I'm going to teach you so many things. you'll always know that I love you. I don't care if your a girl or a boy. I'll be happy with either. I love you."

With that my eyes lids started to get heavy and I feel to a peace full sleep.


Bienjour my good people.Yeeey update. so I have no idea what should it be so comment is you want



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Till next time.

Bye lovies

~maddie 😘

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